Sorry to hear about the breakup Juliana.
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2006: You're ON THE LIST!!!
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2006? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
Oops. Last night I forgot to say - you're welcome, aurelia!
Your gift box was supposed to be WAY bigger and better and awesomer, but finances (or lack thereof) only allowed me to throw a few things together. But I'm glad you liked what I was able to send.
Oh, Juliana. That sucks. I'm sorry. {{juliana}}
{{{juliana}}} I'm so sorry, dear.
Oh, juliana, I'm so sorry! {{{juliana}}}
juliana, I'm sorry.
2006 was a pretty good year for me and mine.
The bad: G being unemployed for a bit this spring, certain time-sensitive things not having been worked out/started, friends who are still in pain, me losing momentum on exercise and other things I need to do.
The good: G getting a much better job in May, which he is enjoying, family in good health, two sets of friends welcoming much-awaited children in to their lives, going to Portland and various conventions and concerts that have been enjoyable.
Argh. I meant to post my news in Bitches, but got confuzzled. Sorry about that, and thank you very much for the good wishes.
2006 was... well, it was. I moved 2000 miles, got divorced, was welcomed in to the loving bosom of the SFista collective, discovered my neighborhood in all of its debauchery, discovered Fernet, drank a whole hell of a lot, got to go to my first ever F2F and introduce the Buffistas to Fernet, got to play host to a lot of my friends, met some amazing people here, and lived and loved and healed and cried and laughed and danced.
All of which I could not have done with such flying colors if it hadn't been for all y'all. I love the Buffistas so much for your genorosity, your spirit, and your love. Thank you so very much for everything.
2006. Well. It was a good year.
We managed another year as a company, taught and hung out with and generally loved a bunch of kids. Our marriage and relationship was good, particularly through transition. And that was the biggest bit; we finally got out of the Pink House of Everything Breaking. We moved to Arizona and are living in the loveliest little duplex among the ponderosa pines. We are in the process of buying land and hope to build. It's nice to have a town and friends and something of a support system.
On the down side, family health was not great. The folks went through an earthquake. I struggled some socially and professionally and in general the move has been somewhat difficult for me. But overall I'm much happier and much less stressed, so I think it'll just be a matter of getting adjusted and dealing with the vastness of the homebuilding project.
It has been exciting and people have been ridiculously generous and we've gone through so many changes and so much of just life. And as always, I'm grateful to the Buffistas, who continue to be my beloved portable friends, trailing along the stream of electrons to wherever I may be. You really are a nifty bunch of people, and I've appreciated being a part of your lives.
For 2007, I hope to be well into the home building process. I hope to find some significant additional funding and to allow the company to be what it wants to be. I hope to be active in my new community. I hope to reinforce the ties to my families and friends. I hope to develop creatively and spiritually and to engage in activism. I hope we're happy.