feel financially secure about the baby
If you ever do, let me know what your secret is.
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2006? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
feel financially secure about the baby
If you ever do, let me know what your secret is.
If you ever do, let me know what your secret is.
Well, right now I'm still in "Oh my God, how much is this going to cost?" mode. I'm sure once he or she actually arrives it will move into "Oh my God, how am I going to pay for that?" but at least there will be actual numbers to look at that that point.
I would just like to note how difficult it is to find ANYTHING with a palm tree in Chicago in December.
Well, you found a GOOD one. As much as I love palm trees, I'm not hot on pink flamingos. And as marvelous as monkeys are, in general, I like my trees on their own.
I must say thank you for all my goodies, once again.
There is no "financially secure." There is only Zool.
2006 has been a pretty good year for me. I finally got myself out of debt, although wiping out my savings to do it, so I'm not yet financially secure Zool. I spent a week in San Francisco in a swanky hotel and reconnected with an old friend there. I spent a business weekend in Montreal, drinking and flirting more than working. I spent a week in Tennessee replumbing and repainting the old farmhouse (while sick with the flu), and spent a weekend in Chattanooga reconnecting with another old friend. My sister and I have gotten closer this year than we're probably ever been. My mother isn't getting better, but she isn't getting worse either, so that's as good as it gets, there. My youngest niece is settling in to college life, with less trauma than her freshman year entailed. My oldest niece has gotten a really cool job and at last a really good boyfriend, so I can stop worrying about her (no, I can't). I feel better this year than I have in ages, and am starting to see that maybe my life isn't actually over yet.
I don't remember when I joined, or when I finally delurked. I should remember that.
Well, 2006 has found a way to kick me in the teeth on the way out - M broke up with me last night. It's all very sad and beyond our respective controls, but damn if it doesn't suck.
Oh, juliana. I'm so sorry.
Will this year never end?!?
Sorry, juliana, that sucks
Oh, Juliana, I'm sorry. That truly sucks.
Oh, juliana, I'm sorry.