Hey, Vortex, yay on the package getting there and being good and all! I slackered you a couple of years ago and I've always felt bad that the first slackage wasn't all it could be, so it was great fun to get a do-over and give you a proper wow.
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2006: You're ON THE LIST!!!
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2006? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
The lovely Ginger sent me a beautiful dragonfly hook! It's so pretty and it's going to be hung right by my light switch so I can hang my keys and purse on it!
I've always felt bad that the first slackage wasn't all it could be, so it was great fun to get a do-over and give you a proper wow.
what was it that Trudy said? P'shaw!!!
I'm currently in "buy lots of fun little random things to fill up the gift" mode :) FUN!
OMG, am idiot. Totally forgot to subscribe to this thread. Duh.
I am so sorry to read about the bad things verious peeps went through in 2006, and overjoyed to read the good things.
It seems unpossible that we have only had 5 years of Plei. In my mind you have been on since I found the board on TT.
Definitely. When I came back on in 2002, it felt like you had been there when I was here before.
Well, we all know that Juliana rocks, but after today, she rocks just a bit more in my world!
And this is why I was smacking myself for not subscribing!! I was all worried that the package had gotten delayed - I am so very glad that this is not the case, and that you like(d) your prezzies, Stephanie!
And, Ellie has appropriated the flahing disco blue rubber ducky as her own.
Aren't those fun? I always smack them in the store where I got it.
Ahhh, delurking. First delurked on TT, probably around July or August of 2000. Re-delurked when Phoenix went live - I had Issues with WX and also needed time to focus on Real Life things.
I just have to say that it is hard to get something to AK by Christmas.
I was so happy my mom wanted her Xmas present by the 15th, as it made me get my butt in gear to send presents to AK & PR in time! And to get a present shipped here from TO on time! (This is a very big thing for me - I'm never on time.)
I'll comment on 2006 in another post....
There's another Alaskan actually named, "AnotherAlaskan", but s/he's been scarce.
Actully, I think that's libkitty's friend.
Yep! He now spends most his time with professional and political blogs. He liked buffistas, though. Were there more hours in the day, he'd probably join us again. That's where we're different. Were there more hours in the day, I'd probably get caught up on my professional reading. It's all priorities.
Good Bye and Good Riddance to... my Fabulous Boobies! I only started eating sensibly again two days ago and already they're shrinking. Oh well, they were fun while they lasted.
Boobies do not have to be big to be fabulous. IJS.
I'm very thankful for the amazing changes in my friends' lives, and that they've given me the rope to tag along and fret and rejoice and delight with them.
(I've more, but the words are tripping all over themselves. In any case, I sometimes look at the people in my life and get all giddy-gleeful. I am so lucky! I've been kinda fuguey off and on and yet still, they persist. So if I were to make resolutions, one would be to make sure they know how treasured they are and be a better friend.)
For me 2006 was the Year of the Hospital Bedside Vigil. Dad had 4 hospitalizations, one of them a horror show that lasted a month and scared the crap out of both Mom and me. But he got released from his last stay on my birthday, and has thankfully remained healthy (for his age and condition) since then. May that continue for the foreseeable future.
I've continued to live out the proof of Mona Ramsey's philosophy of life, what with having a great apartment, a great job, and a love life in dire need of a defibrillator. But two out of three ain't bad, and at least this year I've had the chance to enjoy more socializing with the extended family than I usually get.
Message to Lee from The Casa Calibre Cat Collective.
t drool. twitch. drool. meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyow!
Message to Lee from the Humans:
BWAHAHAHA! They're having TURF WARS over the thing.