Congrats to Kat and Lori! Twins, that's the way to do it! Sonograms are SO COOL.
Happy birthday, shrift!
I'm pleased I'm not the only one who was aghast at the fiery apicide.
I want red velvet cake. My favorite. diet,diet,diet,damn.
Can't keep up with the talky.
I like the middle one best, too, Kathy.
So, I'm watching Matt Damon on Inside the Actor's Studio, and I'm SO GLAD he realizes what a freaking ass he was in high school! Such an ass.
You knew Matt Damon in high school, Jesse? Wow.
Congratulations to Kat and Lori! Is the world ready for two more gymnastic rock-climbing rocket scientists? woot!
name dropper.
overtired little boy was crankypants tonight.
So, I'm watching Matt Damon on Inside the Actor's Studio, and I'm SO GLAD he realizes what a freaking ass he was in high school! Such an ass.
Theatre people have that capacity, don't they? I look back at my cocky self in college and cringe in embarrassment, and I am not even semi-famous, or even working full-time for "my art" (Although in college, I think I did believe we would "save the world".)
I AM a namedropper.
And I did go to high school with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck both -- I can't believe there's anyone left (in the world) who didn't know that!
I didn't know that either!
I think. I'm so tired right now, I'm not sure I know my own name.
In Damon's defense, later in the hour he checks to see his stepdaughter's asleep before he starts carpetbombing the auditorium with f-bombs.
Which, is kind of like being a grownup.
You should really mention it in your tag line, Jesse.
I probably did, at some point.