Allyson, sounds like a fun day! With bonus choo choo trains!
I think ima be in big trouble if I bring The Second Coming home with any scratches.
Whenever I - as a childless person - get these "reminders", I remind everyone that I am the
one who has never had to take the nephlet to the emergency room or the hospital.
Then I warn him that he's not allowed to be injured when he is with me because I want to continue the streak.
He doesn't totally understand me not wanting him maimed and bleeding for his own continued health, but he's got the concept of my vanity around the Other Adults.
Heh. I remember going with my cousin and her little girl to an amusement park. Katie was totally content to go on a handful of rides, and her mother wisely didn't tell her there was
so we left just as she was getting tired, instead of before she got over-tired and cranky. That's wise parenting, that is.
Now I have to go over the Crime Library site and read about Bob Berdella before I've had my breakfast. Sigh.
Allyson, that sounds like such an excellent day! Lucky nephew.
Grand Canyon FAQ at the National Park Service website:
That's a relief -- I was hoping the story was exaggerated.
Timelies all!
Quiet day here, with no real plans.Just a pesky cat who keeps meowing at me.
My plans mostly involve the FNL marathon which from ep 1 (we just started ep 3) is involving lots of tears. (The first ep? That
hit on Street that paralyzes him? Much worse to watch after watching whole season.)
Yes! I just mainlined the first half of the season the other day. That show owns me now. I adore Street.
Am still without baggage, and getting unhelpful information from United (oh, yes, your bag will be delivered. When? Oh, I don't know). Spent all day yesterday at home instead of where I needed to be, am not willing to do it again. Unfortunately, my phone charger is in that baggage, so I will be unable to call them pretty soon.
Am disgruntled.
My phone charger will work for my Palm Pilot and vice versa -- but that may just be a quirk of the model.
So, this is what it's come to: I just pulled a white hair out of my head, I'm about to go to a one-year-old's birthday party, and my plans for New Year's Eve are to stay home and go to bed early. @@