Huh. I've had nothing to do for the last few days, when my boss called me to tell me about a problem a client is having. And at the exact second I pick up the phone, I get an email from another client about another problem.
First problem will require me to spend a bunch of time on the phone, so I can't listen to the music I was all excited to hear....
lunch ideas?
An olive-free muffaletta?
runs away
That's quite a big lunch you are suggesting, Tom. Hungry?
I had lentils and rice. Yummy, but it's going to tip me over the sleepy edge.
Everyone here is just sitting around speculating on whether we're being let go early. It's a NYE tradition.
I had a sesame bagel with cream cheese and bacon for lunch. Usually I have that for breakfast but today, I thought I'd switch things up - keeps people guessing.
I think I'm going to have a ham sub for lunch. Which is mostly ham, chopped iceberg lettuce and oil and enough vinegar to drown it all in.
I'm thinking Thai for lunch. Mm, curry...
Okay, that NYT article on dictionaries that bon bon linked to has me wondering, how do you all say "niche"? I assumed all Americans said "Nitch", but a sidebar to that article indicated otherwise.