Seriously awesome picture!
Have fun, Gud!
I got to wish the nephew a happy birthday earlier. Hard to believe it's been 4 years. Of course, he responded with "OKILOVEYOUBYE!" which is his standard phone etiquette these days...
We've done presents and I've made cranberry relish. Half the luminarias are out due to gusty winds, but that just means more tomorrow!
Luminarias in Mesilla were lovely and we ran into several people dad knows, courtesy of his coat (it's a S&R neon orange reflective one, with reflective strips. Hard to miss.)
Mom loves her bat, dad his bowl and we now have books coming out our ears. Some lovely jewelry, wooden kitchen implements from a local craftsman and STORYBOOKS ABOUT HEDGEHOGS!!! (This is a family thing.) And I now own an ipod. Guess I'll have to upgrade my os a few notches and figure out how it works! Dad got mom a roomba and that caused a lot of laughter. She thought about getting him one. Poor cats. Best opening of the night, I'll tell about later. White elephant plays into it, but didn't involve the rottweiler sized gray stuffed elephant that was the surprise gift several years back.
It was fun and there was much teasing. Just the way I like it.
Up for tomorrow: cooking and hanging stuff. And more people!
Merry Christmas! Just got home from the Christmas Eve festivities at my mother's house. Still have some things to do before I crash for a few hours then start on the cooking.
Beautiful heart warming picture of msbelle and mac.
Have a wonderful trip, ita. Lack of pain would be a good thing.
The youngest sib and his wife rolled in around 12:30, so we sat up a while longer with chocolate cake and port and chatted about stuff, while the dogs slowly fell asleep under the table.
Me, I'm thinking how hard it's going to be to go running in the morning, and whether I bought enough stocking stuffers.
Also, why isn't the Yuletide archive up yet?
Msbelle, you and Mac are the cutieheadiest!
ita, take care of that finger and fly safely!
Sail, enjoy S1 of SPN; I know I did. [Insert obligatory Oh, Dean here.]
And now to bed, and now to bed.
Merry Christmas to all the Buffistas who celebrate, and for those of you who don't, well, happy Monday off!
Mom loves her bat
Her what, now?
I'm almost done wrapping presents. Actually, I think I'm done for the evening. I'm going to head to bed and finish up in the morning.
Merry Christmas! [Insert appropriate disclaimer if you'd like one]
msbelle and mac picture!
DH and I just watched the first hour of
the lost room.
dh " this show is meesed up" does this mean he wants to watch more tomorrow or what?
merry merry all
Still up. Shouldn't be, but am.
Anyone else here?
Here. I go back to Texas tomorrow, and I'm a little anxious. This was an odd trip home. Not really bad, just odd.
t nods
Holidays with going home are good at the odd.
I'm on a fucking air matress in San Diego.
Ho Ho oh my back.
I've been reading and doing puzzles all day, which my back didn't love, either. I can't say I feel your pain, but I have some idea of it.