Oh, gosh, thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone! And [drumroll] I got a Roomba! Woo!
And it should be all charged up around the time a friend comes over tomorrow night, so maybe we can develop a drinking game based on watching it crash around my living room.
I also got Arrested Development S3, and Brisco County. And tried to get my nephew to say "Happy Cephalopodmas." I should have just gone with "Squidmas," instead.
I'm not sure it's true that for most of the country, Christmas is divorced from religion. It is among most of the people I know, but most of the people I know are suburban coast-dwellers. And I feel like we did get some token research assignments about the origins of traditions like Christmas trees, Santa Claus, etc. in elementary school, but I went to school in the east coast suburbs in an area with a significant Jewish population. I know we did at least one "story of Chanukah" pageant along with the obligatory singing of out-of-tune Christmas carols.
In conclusion: Roomba!