Ideally, I'd advise her to hang on to that Senate seat forever. She could be one of the Greats if she plays her cards right. Especially as a Committee Chair.
Yeah, if only there were people around her saying that, instead of, "You could go all the way!! (and take me with you....)"
I was at the Borders the other day and came across the show Profit. I've heard of it and enjoy Adrian Pasdar on Heroes so I bought it and have already finished it. How did I live for ten years without having seen it? Jim Proft is so creepily sexy.
I do not like Hillary and wouldn't vote for her.
Love Barrack.
I wish Mark Warner hadn't announced he wouldn't run for President. He wouldda been great, IMVHA.
Jim Proft is so creepily sexy
And often nekkid. Which is a big plus in my book.
We love the Profit around here, for sure. When it was on TV, my roommate and I just kind of stared at the screen, not quite believing it was actually happening on broadcast TV.
Man, I just got all excited for a minute -- our office is closed tomorrow, and we just got an all-staff email from the CEO, and I was really hoping it said, "Go ahead, leave at 3." but NO. Just "Happy holidays."
I watched all the Profit episodes in their original run. Which was not a huge commitment. I watched because (a) raves from local reviewer and (b) loved Adrian in Near Dark.
One of the best shows Fox ever canceled.
I wish Mark Warner hadn't announced he wouldn't run for President. He wouldda been great, IMVHA.
I'm seeing some speculation on the interwebs this morning that it's not actually a done deal, FWIW.