The funny part is how many Catholics I know who are like, "Pope? What Pope? I must have blanked on you for a second there."
Growing up Catholic (Lite) myself, I was very surprised and amused to hear that. If I'd been more self-possesed then, I would probably have responded with something like "That's really more of an 'on paper' thing. He's less important than you think."
Unless something goes really wrong, I bet Elliot Spitzer, who becomes governor in January, will be able to hold that seat for a good long while.
Fair enough. And I don't think she should start any intraparty battles. I'm thinking more that she should have some executive experience other than being the executive's wife.
Ideally, I'd advise her to hang on to that Senate seat forever. She could be one of the Greats if she plays her cards right. Especially as a Committee Chair.
Dear me, no. Surf the net and flit about.
That's my plan!
Especially because the three days I'm working next week will just be like a bonus -- I've been feeling like this is the end of the working year, but it's not true! I have three days left!!
Bad news about the office move -- Annoying Coworker just promised to come chat with me a LOT. Gee, greeaaattttt. Luckily, she's hardly in the office, and I can look really really busy. Actually, I'm doing that right now!
Ideally, I'd advise her to hang on to that Senate seat forever. She could be one of the Greats if she plays her cards right. Especially as a Committee Chair.
Psst. Sean's going to hell.
Like Senator Ted.
A person could do worse with her life.
(on a professional level, at least)
Ideally, I'd advise her to hang on to that Senate seat forever. She could be one of the Greats if she plays her cards right. Especially as a Committee Chair.
Yeah, if only there were people around her saying that, instead of, "You could go all the way!! (and take me with you....)"
I was at the Borders the other day and came across the show Profit. I've heard of it and enjoy Adrian Pasdar on Heroes so I bought it and have already finished it. How did I live for ten years without having seen it? Jim Proft is so creepily sexy.
I do not like Hillary and wouldn't vote for her.
Love Barrack.
I wish Mark Warner hadn't announced he wouldn't run for President. He wouldda been great, IMVHA.
Jim Proft is so creepily sexy
And often nekkid. Which is a big plus in my book.
We love the Profit around here, for sure. When it was on TV, my roommate and I just kind of stared at the screen, not quite believing it was actually happening on broadcast TV.
Man, I just got all excited for a minute -- our office is closed tomorrow, and we just got an all-staff email from the CEO, and I was really hoping it said, "Go ahead, leave at 3." but NO. Just "Happy holidays."