David--has EM read The Gift of Fear, by Gavin Becker? Betsy gave me a copy a while back, and I found it very enlightening and useful with guidance for dealing with stalkery-types. Err, not that I've been stalked (to my knowledge).
I'm pretty sure she has, but it would be a good reminder to point her back at it. She's so completely overwhelmed at this point, she can barely think. I talked to her new BF (Emmett's coach) and he's going to set up a security camera at her place. (Presumably to watch either her mailbox or front door).
Also, I cut my hair really short a few weeks ago.
What style?!
And then discovered that I don't look good with the grey grown out, and colored it dark again.
Darkness suits you.
I, er, bought cigarettes? (steph, you feel better now?)
brenda, you should talk to lori. She does amazing climbs. You look positively gleeful!
Might possibly be the best thing I've done in ever. Unfuckingbelievable.
You action hero!
You sound like I did after I went skydiving. Such a rush.
What style?!
Um, short? No shaved nape, combed forward with spikey bangs. It's pretty close to a classic pixie cut, which makes me laugh and laugh given how much I hated this cut when I was ten.
I hope EM gets this worked out--it sounds awful.
Brenda, that sounds like amazing fun.
I'm lying here wondering if I feel well enough for krav. Just the question should tell me something. I feel bad because I bumped into the instructor at Best Buy a couple hours ago.
VERY nice, brenda!
And Yay, Consuela! New job PLUS bonus? And new hair? Good times!
I think I might be done with shopping -- got my father's birthday tonight. All I need to buy is for my grandmother, which I know what it's going to be, I just need to have my address book, credit card, and computer all in the same place at the same time. Maybe tomorrow.
ita, I'm sorry you are feeling poorly again. My christmas wish is no more of that shit. Of course, I do christmas in the loosest sense, but whatever. My wish, damnit.
I'm done shopping but for my parents. I've found one ultimate gift for each which they'd be delighted with, but figure I'll grow their library (a family motto.) I'll just do it there, at Coas, a seriously impressive used and rare bookstore for LC. The Strand in NYC totally dwarfs it, but for LC, hell even for a city several times the size, it is awesome. Apparently, my part of NM is getting weather. Dad was headed back from Alamogordo and had to turn back before the pass, detour through El Paso. And yet, it was 75 here monday. WEIRD. Hope weather doesn't end up mucking up plans.
I am chilled. Or tipsy. Either way.
brenda, that is way cool!!! Yesterday I got a shot in my ass. While that has its perks, its no where near what you did.
Yay on the bonus and new ipod, Consuela!! And the possible new job!!
I am chilled. Or tipsy. Either way.
I'm home and in my pj's and just ate some chili that I had cooking in the crock pot all day. Yum.
ION, because I was shocked that some of the people I was with earlier were not aware of these things, I will share them with you people as well:
Dick in a Box, from SNL: [link]
OKGO dancing on treadmills: [link]
Weird Al's White and Nerdy: [link]
Just for your FYI.
Brenda, that looks like so much fun. Go you!