I'm seriously stilted on Christmas presents this year, due to general crappiness and lack of income.
But then someone mentioned getting me a present, so I should get him a present, but I can't think of anything and this headache is six days old and I just want to sleep.
So, here's what I did yesterday. How 'bout you?
How 'bout you?
Uh, ate cereal for dinner.
t slinks away while simultaneously boggling over Brenda's adventure....
So I might, possibly, be in possession of another job.
t flails, runs around in indecision
I also got a bonus yesterday, so in a flurry of excitement, I just bought one of the 60GB refurbished iPods. Eeeeee!
David--has EM read The Gift of Fear, by Gavin Becker? Betsy gave me a copy a while back, and I found it very enlightening and useful with guidance for dealing with stalkery-types. Err, not that I've been stalked (to my knowledge).
Also, I cut my hair really short a few weeks ago. And then discovered that I don't look good with the grey grown out, and colored it dark again.
Cereal-- Hey, Brenda went climbing! Awesome! Go you!
So amazing, y'all. We drove in a rickety old truck and then rode mules up into the mountains to 3k feet above sea level, and spent the day rappelling and ziplining all over the place. In the Sierra Madres, in the same area where they filmed Predator, even.
Might possibly be the best thing I've done in ever. Unfuckingbelievable.
David--has EM read The Gift of Fear, by Gavin Becker? Betsy gave me a copy a while back, and I found it very enlightening and useful with guidance for dealing with stalkery-types. Err, not that I've been stalked (to my knowledge).
I'm pretty sure she has, but it would be a good reminder to point her back at it. She's so completely overwhelmed at this point, she can barely think. I talked to her new BF (Emmett's coach) and he's going to set up a security camera at her place. (Presumably to watch either her mailbox or front door).
Also, I cut my hair really short a few weeks ago.
What style?!
And then discovered that I don't look good with the grey grown out, and colored it dark again.
Darkness suits you.
I, er, bought cigarettes? (steph, you feel better now?)
brenda, you should talk to lori. She does amazing climbs. You look positively gleeful!