Maybe I'm obtuse, but that seems a morally ambiguous lesson, to me.
Oh yeah, they were all about the moral ambiguity.
The only guy that did the right thing was the one that got fucked.
Well, both Art and Boomer got fucked. Literally. Which I think was part of the St. Elsewhere vision. Being good didn't guarantee the universe was going to be kind.
Was he just collateral damage of the lesson Art was supposed to learn from his righteous vengence?
You know they just loved torturing Boomer. David Morse was just so good at suffering. They killed off his wife too.
S1 of St. Elsewhere
came out.
Some people online are making me feel old asking if Dr. Craig walked with a cane because a critic said there could be no House without him.
Ack, bon bon, the whitefont, it is snort-worthy.
More {{{}}} for EM. I hope that she stays safe and finds some peace soon.
There really should be a
crossover out there somewhere. And it should be wonderful.
I also want a pony for Christmas.
Maybe I'll try, someday. Can't vouch for "wonderful"
needs a lawyer show crossover to deal with that detective who
apparently has mystic powers to poke through medical records without regard for medical privacy laws and has nothing else to do but haunt a hospital waiting for one single doctor to do something pounce worthy. Oh, and who blithely proposes deals then welches on them purely for the joy of getting his macho on. That guy is such a 2-D bad copy stereotype that it's making the whole season difficult to watch. Though I'm looking forward to the trial.
News about the remake of the Prisoner.
Hee. All the shows should have lawyer/police crossover shows where they can show the poor desk schmuck trying to work through the paperwork so that the main characters in other shows can blithely coast through their lives, completely ignorant of the actual trouble their actual actions would get them into.
Hm. That Melitta filter is much cheaper. And it would pack easier. Maybe I should do that, at least initially.
My extensive legal experience watching Law and Order tells me
that the cops can't offer a deal, anyway. They can suggest that they'll ask the DA to cut some slack, or whatever, but any dealmaking has to get done by the lawyers.
House/The Wire?
No, crap, not even the same jurisdiction.
Trippy Synchronicity dept: Nate from 6FU has the same brain disorder as Senator Johnson.