Hee. All the shows should have lawyer/police crossover shows where they can show the poor desk schmuck trying to work through the paperwork so that the main characters in other shows can blithely coast through their lives, completely ignorant of the actual trouble their actual actions would get them into.
Hm. That Melitta filter is much cheaper. And it would pack easier. Maybe I should do that, at least initially.
My extensive legal experience watching Law and Order tells me
that the cops can't offer a deal, anyway. They can suggest that they'll ask the DA to cut some slack, or whatever, but any dealmaking has to get done by the lawyers.
House/The Wire?
No, crap, not even the same jurisdiction.
Trippy Synchronicity dept: Nate from 6FU has the same brain disorder as Senator Johnson.
News about the remake of the Prisoner.
I'm so conflicted...on the one hand, remaking the Prisoner is clearly WRONG ON EVERY POSSIBLE LEVEL. On the other hand, the possible involvement of Christophers Nolan and Eccleston has me intrigued.
remaking the Prisoner is clearly WRONG ON EVERY POSSIBLE LEVEL.
I'm looking forward to the possibility of a coherent ending.
My reflex about remaking the Prisoner being wrong stems from me not being able to watch the whole thing through. Iconic though it may have been, and revolutionary, I found it too hand-stapled-to-head melodramatic to enjoy.
I enjoyed the opening credits of
The Prisoner
a lot more than I enjoyed the rest of it. The opening credits? like
The rest of the show? Like your crazy uncle getting himself tangled in a lawn chair and bellowing at your cousins, only in Wales.
I remembered to try that Matt Damon link this morning. Very funny.
That's five or six people he can do scary-accurate impressions of, now. All we need is for him to swallow a sword and my vaudevillian dream will be complete.
As for the recent home invasion case, the thing that struck me about the whole thing was that the woman did everything right, every step of the way. She hears the window break, she calls 911 without wasting time checking around the house. She speaks in a whisper to the 911 guy, tells him the important information first, explains where she is in the house, stays on the line. She stays on the line -- like, phone in her hand on the line -- even when the guy gets into her room, so although she might have struck the 911 guy deaf with her screaming, he could accurately relay the situation to the cops who were breaking down the door and charging up the stairs.
I was only sorry that she did not stay on the line long enough after the cops trundled her attacker away so that we could hear her and the cops fall into each other's arms congratulating each other at doing such a good job under such trying circumstances.
EM got another freaky note
good Lord. This is way too nasty for words.
I'm looking forward to the possibility of a coherent ending.
come on, now! explanations are for wimps!
explanations are for wimps!
As is, apparently, lucidity.