Ginger, Owen says, "Hi! I want to watch Olive [the Other Reindeer] and break and eat the candy canes on the Christmas tree!"
Aaargh. I just had a nightmarish flashback to a train ride I took last Saturday back to Salem. Some grade-schooler age boy kept screeching "All of the other reindeer!" - just that one line - over and over again as loud as he could, with his mother barely shushing him or keeping him in check. The only mitigating factor was I couldn't quite tell if the kid was being maniacally obnoxious, or if he had some genuine issues. Impossible to ignore, either way.
shudders at the memory
I need a new coffeepot, too, but I'm thinking of getting a french press. For the quality of coffee, and because it doesn't require power over the heating of the water, which I could do over a wood stove if I really wanted to.
I get on a plane in 26 hours and I'm in complete denial. OK, must start shoving things off to the side now...
I'm a huge fan of the Melitta cone -- cheaper than a French press, and without the grittiness factor.
That's what I use(though mine is taller.) Which reminds me, must remember to pack spare.
You know, in my heart I really do believe that if I could drink coffee, I'd be an
That and a couple way more significant life passages, but scarily that's one of the prime ones.
Okay, I take it back about the Melitta cones -- I want one of these! Vintage!
so tired omg. The night before a six-hour drive is just the best time to have insomnia.
The Melitta cone seems like a good idea for me, but then I'd need a kettle, huh?