In 2000, the CPSC announced that over 150 children fell prey to Sky Dancer's helicopter-blade arms and erratic "Oh-Jesus-it's-chasing-me!" flying patterns.
Can't. Stop. Laughing.
Injuries included scratched corneas and temporary blindness, mild concussions, broken ribs and teeth, and facial lacerations that required stitches.
What the hell did they make Sky Dancer out of, adamantium?
I still say the picture I picked was the cutest.
Another gank from LJ: Marksman called in to kill Kingston’s pigeons. It's not the article, which is mostly harmless, but the reader comments.
It's not the article, which is mostly harmless, but the reader comments.
I liked the ones that accused pigeons of being wizards of Satan, countered by people telling how pigeons saved their lives.
A pigeon bit my sister once.
En espanol? How would that be?
Una paloma mordió a mi hermana una vez.