it makes children sound so...replacable and unimportant as individuals.
The way I read it wasn't that children are replaceable - they certainly aren't - but personally, if GODS FORBID something happened to Emeline or any other children, I would want to have more.
As for the vasectomy question, I would *like* to think that doctors make the same sort of case, but I believe that vasectomies are easier to reverse than tubal li(ta)gation. I know (not from personal experience) that they are easier to perform.
Yeah, I think I'm going to go with "obnoxious paternalistic bastard", myself.
I think its also easier to work around a vasectomy... freeze some sperm as a back-up before you do it.
Let me ask this question: If the doctor who wrote the article was a woman - same exact everything - would it still come off that way?
I think if a mother loses THREE children in a fire or some other horrible accident, the tubal ligation isn't going to be her biggest source of regret. Also, last time I checked, the procedure wouldn't prevent her adopting children should she feel the need to replace the deceased ones immediately as if they were family pets.
Aimee, you're not alone. Even if this short column doesn't seem terribly well-evidenced, there has to be a point at which a doctor who sees something all the time should advise her patients about it. If I had a client who wanted to do something, and I knew it was riskier than the alternative and frequently regretted, I'd be reluctant to do it.
Also, those of you who keep saying that having more children after the death of a child makes the parent "feel the need to replace the deceased ones immediately as if they were family pets.", what about miscarriage? Or still birth? Or SIDS? Or even abortion?
Having a child after the death of another one is NOT replacing.
I'd still be plenty pissed. In the same way? I'm not sure - I might ascribe more of it to paternalistic medicine I guess.
Having a child after the death of another one is NOT replacing.
Yeah. It's the difference between being having children and not having children. Its huge.
The Doctor's tone certainly gives the impression that he regards it as a replacement to make up for the potential lack.