My VHS is dead. Owen fed the machine some cookie cutters and played build-a-fort with the tapes (possibly pulling some tape out). So I gave up on them and gave them all away.
Cindy, they make protective covers for DVD's.
The cute, very young girl who cut my hair tonight, when I mentioned Buffy, said, "My mom used to make me watch that show with her all the time." I told her she needed to call her mother tonight--and tell her that she is smart AND cool.
I feel so fucking old.
I feel so fucking old.
Heh. Tonight I am manifesting anxiety in my back. When did this start happening? I was Ms. Stress-Immune through college so I'm blaming age. OK, I probably had an ulcer in high school, but I grew out of it. This is just stupid age. I'm so turning into my mom. After a wired day, I need to nap for 15-20 minutes or I'm kind of insane.
Thank god I don't have a teenager.
"My mom used to make me watch that show with her all the time."
Just wait until it's your daughter who makes you watch a show. Now that is feeling old.
By the time my kids are teenagers, I'll probably be senile.
Thanks for the good thoughts for GF, guys. And yes, that is Donny Osmond in the Weird Al video. Ha!
RE: teenagers.
A friend is a stepmom to one. He alternates between awesome and complete shithead. He's currently doing both at once, and I got to hear all about it tonight. His history is such that...well, this is normal shitheadedness, thank god. But it still sucks.
Things need to go smoothly for my friends. Now. In everything.
The pros are concerned about Cylon infiltration of their computer systems.
This would explain a lot, actually.
My mom's family's farm was sold a few years ago, and my uncle finally moved out last spring. A couple of weeks ago, when Mom was out visiting, we went driving with another one of her sibs to check out the old homestead, and found everything torn down and the new subdivision is already going up.
Oh, this is what I fear. I know there won't be a subdivision becuase there's not even a gas station within 30 miles, but I can't face the idea of someone ripping it down and building something soulless there.
Colbert said
last night!
GC, condolences to your friend! May she get something way better soon.
"Hopefully" is not at all wrong. Like split infinitives, it's just something that a generation of commentators got their panties in a wad about.
Oh good. I can keep on using it without cringing in shame anymore.
And now I have an eyetwitch. Fuckit, I'm going to bed.
Night sarameg! Feel better!
Colbert said Butt-Babies last night!