I go to bars way too much since I was expecting an article about a truck carrying the liquor.
Where I grew up, both are so prevalent you kinda have to guess which one people are talking about from context, which isn't very useful when someone's trying to tell you a story about drinking Wild Turkey while hunting wild turkey.
Dan Savage's take on the Ted Haggard thing (which is worth the wait): [link]
Mostly he talks about how this discredits the "ex-gay" movement.
If giving his heart to Jesus couldn't cure Haggard, what hope is there for the likes of me? If Jesus can't be bothered to work a miracle for the most powerful evangelical minister in the country, what "hope" is there for the average dyke?
The ex-gay thing is over. It's dead. It was bullshit from the start, and it's bullshit now. And I will personally track down and bitch-slap the next fundie douche who sends me an e-mail explaining how Jesus can cure me.
VHS, 30, dies of loneliness
That was pretty cute. Rest in peace, VHS.
I prefer VHS for kids' stuff. My kids just aren't detail oriented enough to properly care for DVDs.
Earlier today, I was thinking about the days when we'd watch TV shows that had been released on VHS - how if you wanted to watch the second episode on a tape you had to fast-forward through the first episoded. That just seems so weird now....
Oh, and how much friggin'
a season of TV took up on VHS....
TV shows on VHS? I never watched any I hadn't put there myself. For some reason I'm imagining they were expensive on VHS. Is that my imagination?
Buffy had little sets on VHS. I think the FE still has mine.
ETA: I just realized that the old FE=Favorite Ex now works for the same person with its original ME meaning FE=First Evil. Dude. I'm prescient.
TV shows on VHS? I never watched any I hadn't put there myself. For some reason I'm imagining they were expensive on VHS. Is that my imagination?
I bought seasons 1-3 of Buffy (those actually were just six episodes in each set). Then I bought pirated VHS tapes of seasons one and two to get the ones that weren't in the official set. I don't even remember what the official ones cost... $20? (eta: maybe more like $30?) Anyway, they were expensive on a per-episode basis.
VHS is still alive and well in the film/tv production industry. Too many of our clients can't work with DVD screeners, much as we'd prefer them to.