Earlier today, I was thinking about the days when we'd watch TV shows that had been released on VHS - how if you wanted to watch the second episode on a tape you had to fast-forward through the first episoded. That just seems so weird now....
Oh, and how much friggin'
a season of TV took up on VHS....
TV shows on VHS? I never watched any I hadn't put there myself. For some reason I'm imagining they were expensive on VHS. Is that my imagination?
Buffy had little sets on VHS. I think the FE still has mine.
ETA: I just realized that the old FE=Favorite Ex now works for the same person with its original ME meaning FE=First Evil. Dude. I'm prescient.
TV shows on VHS? I never watched any I hadn't put there myself. For some reason I'm imagining they were expensive on VHS. Is that my imagination?
I bought seasons 1-3 of Buffy (those actually were just six episodes in each set). Then I bought pirated VHS tapes of seasons one and two to get the ones that weren't in the official set. I don't even remember what the official ones cost... $20? (eta: maybe more like $30?) Anyway, they were expensive on a per-episode basis.
VHS is still alive and well in the film/tv production industry. Too many of our clients can't work with DVD screeners, much as we'd prefer them to.
That's just..... really horrifically great.
Watch, a sparrow's going to shit on me on my way out of the door.
Still.at.work. Bah. But I think I just unravelled my loop. Yay!
My husband was just telling me about that.
For god's sake, can someone do my laundry?
Ok. Bright shiny spot in my day so far?
I went to order 2 books from Amazon for a total of $32.something. It wound up at $20.something because I had leftover gift certificate. I'll take it!
I have a birthday party tonight, so things may get better.