The result has the texture of chicken, and BBQ sauce (which is my only experience with this recipe) has such a strong flavor that that's all you taste. So it's like baked chicken.
Awesome. I have marked your post and will try this. Also, duh, I could learn how to make miso soup, which I love and would totally eat.
And Chaucer in Middle English just makes me feel stupid.
It gets easier as you go along. Of course, now when I look at it, it makes no sense whatsoever! You can always get a modern version to read alongside of the Middle English. .
People keep saying that Sue. And i understand what you mean. But seriously? It's all a mystery.
I found when I listen it to it read aloud, I get most of it, if I follow along with the riverside edition. But damn. It's too hard.
Which is why I have a shirt that says, "Chaucer. Because Shakespeare Was Too Easy."
House-Wilson-Coma!Guy roadtrip! With extra House-Wilson eyefuckage!
I hate that guy.
I watched a full ad for that online by mistake.
I don't see the
I don't need my car to be livable. Drivable's much more important.
Finally bought ticket home for Christmas. Thank dog that's out of the way.
Thanks for the offer, Kristin. I need the kind of help that's a high-paying job on the west side. Got any? I'm about to become less picky.
secret of why House is a doctor!
Kat, my dad did his thesis on Chaucer. Loves the stuff. I like it, but love it? Not so much. I did memorize the Prologue in Middle English for one of my undergrad classes, though, which is useful only so far as it baffles high school students.
Thanks for the offer, Kristin. I need the kind of help that's a high-paying job on the west side. Got any? I'm about to become less picky.
Ummm....Unless I can talk my school into starting a krav class, I got nothin'. Dammit.
I know the first 18 lines of the prologue (as do my students!) and the prologue for chaucer's troilus. Oof. I should go work on my paper.