Hil, it's something about
a video game.
I had a whole brainstorm about making stuffed bread (frozen bread dough, with ham or pepperoni or similar and cheese cooked inside), which we used to have semi-regularly when I was a kid, but haven't had in years, but the italian deli was closed! So much for that bright idea.
Hil, the word there is
the name of a mini-game inside a Penn & Teller video game that was developed but never published.
give you enough information to find the answer on Google, but if not...
it's also
a word for the type of terrain that surrounds Vegas, plus a word for a type of vehicle you'd see a lot of in Vegas.
If that's still not enough for you, I can just give you the answer in a new post.
I've purchased one xmas gift, for my dad. Seriously cool though (black stone bowl FULL of fossils.) Man, I have to do some shopping. Crap!
In a couple of hours, I'll have to check in for my flight, so as not to get stuck in a middle seat. I don't really mind Southwest's seating policy, but that may be because I've resigned myself to being cattle in airtravel, even when they try to pretend you aren't.
Vacation was too short, as always. Company fantastic, location scenic AND I got to see the Griffith. I'm happy about that. It was fun and totally my sort of geek out thing.
sarameg, ND programmed the sound for the Griffith planetarium show, so I got a sneak preview a few weeks ago. Pretty fantastic, isn't it?
Screw it. I cheated. I was hoping to find a description of how to go about finding the meta-answer, and I looked and looked and looked, and then I found the answer hidden behind some spoiler tags, and I lost all self-control and cheated.
Somehow I think I'll be able to sleep just fine tonight.
I had a whole brainstorm about making stuffed bread (frozen bread dough, with ham or pepperoni or similar and cheese cooked inside), which we used to have semi-regularly when I was a kid, but haven't had in years, but the italian deli was closed! So much for that bright idea.
Jesse, we call that calzone. You've been gone too long.
I love those. But I bet I haven't had a real one yet...you East Coast folk say that about everything!
(We just hate it because we suspect it's true.0
I did the same thing, Sean. Or, well, I got to something with a specific enough hint that one google search got me the answer.
Jesse, we call that calzone. You've been gone too long.
Heh. No, not calzone. Stuffed bread! I think it's about the proportions, and the pinwheel nature of the thing. Also the lack of sauce on the side.