Thanks, Lee!
And I just realized I'm not done, I've still got two left. The ones connecting
Penn & Teller
David Copperfield,
respectively, to
Las Vegas.
I've tried
names of shows
names of casinos
, but nothing I could find through google worked.
Ack! And the one linking
that's not
. Will this game ever end?
OK, got the
David Copperfield
one. Not sure how it's linked to
Las Vegas
-- if it were just
David Copperfield and New York
it would have been easier, I think.
If spam were selling real products, how much of it would you want? I'm trying to imagine a world in which my credit card debt could vanish without negative repercussions, or that Nigerian princess really did need my help, or I could get a perfectly normal degree online with no work.
I'd probably only be tempted by the Nigerians. Not the prescriptionless drugs or the low interest rate mortgages. Can't say why.
Hey Rick! As a non-academic type person, I've gotten the idea that European grad degrees are seriously harder than USanian ones -- the public examination in a foreign language certainly gives that impression.
And I just watched tommy's link to a carrier landing, which led me to other vids of landings and takeoffs. Having spent a lot of this weekend listening to the commentary on BSG S1 and how the producers try to build in the reality of the Galactica being a kind of aircraft carrier, I can see where they're coming from, literally. Cool beans!
I also slept in until past 10... it's going to be tough to get back into the work world, I anticipate.
Okay, I am missing exactly TWO answers (provided those two don't open up a bunch more....) and I wish to be done with this cursed thing.
But first.....
Hil, the one between
that's not
is something that's bad for people, and there are commercials about it all the time. In most indoor places these days, you won't run into it, though there are still a few states where it's a problem. But outside there's still plenty of it.
As for the two that I'm missing: I need a hint for the item between
and a hint for the item that's above
in the
medical dramas
Rick--that's so cool (for you--probably less so for the person defending).
Rick, posting mid-Atlantic is almost as cool as the whole reason you were on a plane to begin with, by the way.
[link] Aunt Fugly isn't available, so Unkle Fugly's taken the reins as guest columnist for the Fug Girls.