Okay, I am missing exactly TWO answers (provided those two don't open up a bunch more....) and I wish to be done with this cursed thing.
But first.....
Hil, the one between
that's not
is something that's bad for people, and there are commercials about it all the time. In most indoor places these days, you won't run into it, though there are still a few states where it's a problem. But outside there's still plenty of it.
As for the two that I'm missing: I need a hint for the item between
and a hint for the item that's above
in the
medical dramas
Rick--that's so cool (for you--probably less so for the person defending).
Rick, posting mid-Atlantic is almost as cool as the whole reason you were on a plane to begin with, by the way.
[link] Aunt Fugly isn't available, so Unkle Fugly's taken the reins as guest columnist for the Fug Girls.
Too hours of questions in a foreign language (English, because I was the examiner) in front of an audience of fifty people. Chilling prospect.
To say the least. Ack.
I had to take a break from the puzzle.
Sean, for the first one, think of
litigation against Microsoft in the past 10 years or so, which is tied to what happens when there is a monopoly.
For the second, think of the
other pairs of clues in that box, but don't get too wedded to specifics.
Cool, Lee. Thanks. That's everything.
Except the meta puzzle. Which I'm not sure I uderstand what's supposed to happen now. Am I supposed to keep typing answers into the same box? Is it a single correct answer, or a series of them? And is it something(s) that
The X-Files, That 70s Show, hospitals
religious cults
all have in common?
Read the very last of the hints, Sean.
Okay. I can start with that. But do they mean I need to input
three seperate answers in series
or is it supposed to be a
single answer?