Did someone finally smash the power center of that accursed game?
I think maybe it's just too early. That game is cursed, btw. People here are talking about boxes I don't have yet, and it's disheartening. This game is in ur brainz, crushin ur self-esteem.
Msbelle, that's so great.
I keep waking up thinking I'm hearing other people in my house.
Except it's not a house--it's an apartment building, and of course there are other people.
yay for msbelle.
I work from 2-6 - normal hours for me ( but the library is closeing at 6 instead of 9) . But most importantly it is pie day. The city brings in lots of pie fo rthe workerbees. yay
pie day! I want a pie day!
Sadly, today is a normal full day of school for me. Granted, this is my first "full" work week in two weeks, maybe longer. So it's sort of hard to be truly disgruntled.
I'm just sitting here, sleepily twiddling my thumbs and waiting for them to send me home so I can throw a suitcase and a bag of presents in my car. I'm going to need more caffeine to deal with I-94.
Thank you all. I will be starting back on the dreaded game soon. BE WARNED!
ita - are you getting to go home for Christmas?
Yes, msbelle. I'm not looking forward to the travel, but I'm hoping the time there will be peaceful.
And then I remember that the holidays always have arguments, and I sigh.
I will hide if I have to. I'm already thisclose to being a shutin anyway. I can do that on vacation too.
This is a food holiday. the only arguement should be about who gets the last piece of pie.
the dreaded game crashes this computer.
a chemical plant one town over blew up; it was so loud I thought part of the house I was in had collapsed
Wow, you could hear that? I saw the coverage in the paper and it was -- freaky. There's a retirement home for the deaf there, and of course they couldn't hear it, but they sure as hell felt it.
msbelle, that's GREAT news about Mac! I'm so excited for you.
I've had to put the game aside--DH's serious sinus infection has kept him down and I've been getting some serious double-overtime with the babies. I wonder if I can walk away with it unfinished. I probably should, considering I've got to go to the grocery, brine a turkey and get ready to go to the outin-laws tomorrow morning.
I'm three episodes behind on Heroes, two and a half episodes behind on Veronica Mars.
Oh, and I need to clean my house before Friday for Thanksgiving guests.