I should really just go home now. me at work for the rest of the short day is all gonna be... BOUNCE BOUNCE - I get to go as scheduled - Have you seen my cute kid - BOUNCE - who wants to go get BK - BOUNCE - OMG I AM SO HAPPY.
seriously, they should gladly let me leave.
Either this coffee is making me sleepier, or the caffeine is waking me up just enough for me to realize exactly how sleepy I am.
This. I just got here and I already need a nap.
I have no coffee. Well, I have coffee, but I have no milk. I am bereft. Drinking tea and cleaning until Trader Joe's opens and I can grocery shop. then coffee and way more cleaning.
We like holidays why?
Oh, yes. Because of Mac! Yay msbelle!
Okay, Juke Joint Jezebel and Earl Gray tea. I either need my coffee dammit or I need a new soundtrack. Please send dairy.
Heh... I think I'm getting a contact high off of msbelle!
enters thread and looks around warily
Did someone finally smash the power center of that accursed game?
everyone should BOUNCE! It is contagious!
people in my office are ignoring me. I am seriously just babbling to myself at my desk.
oh msbelle, I am excited for you! That's excellent. I love when the bureaucracy goes smoothly.
Alas, I have not Tigger in my this morning. Being woken up at 3 am will do that to a person (as I posted in Bitches, a chemical plant one town over blew up; it was so loud I thought part of the house I was in had collapsed).
However, I'm out of work at 2 today and I have the Tardis for the weekend, so maybe a BOUNCE is forthcoming later.
ETA Yay msbelle!!!