No they weren't, Aimée. Sorry to hear about your job moving. It's one thing to have taken it knowing a long commute, but now you're pinched up by things outside your control.
juliana, the brand is Finger Paints, and the colour is Sculptured Scarlet. I use the top coat Jilli recommended--Seche Vite.
But it's a selling point that could only be used in a very targeted series of ads.
One ad aimed at me...that's not too much to ask, is it?
You know you've picked the right brand of nailpolish when you make it through a class of gun defenses without a single chip.
Brand, please. [eta: Thanks!]
You know you've picked the right colour of nailpolish when you try and express the preceding sentence and the person you're talking to interrupts with "when it looks like blood."
This is a given.
I grabbed a couple more bottles of the Oriental Red that I adore but I've only used it on my toes so I can't vouch for the nail chip prooftasticness of it. Just the dipped in bloodyness, which is high.
suzi, thanks. polgara I will go there next, Iam now spending a little time getting the easy stuff in
No they weren't, Aimée. Sorry to hear about your job moving. It's one thing to have taken it knowing a long commute, but now you're pinched up by things outside your control.
Want to be a nanny? Em is really quite well behaved, and knows how to hit a punching bag!
thanks polgara, I got 2 more. Is the one between
a financial? or even a title? and the thing connected to
that is
four letters
? any help there folks?
I actually just did planing that didn't involve going "eh, whatever you want"! I think I need to stick a gold star to my forehead. (backstory is...well, I'm incredibly unplanny when it comes to groups. I've always torn between BEND TO MY WILL and
Um, I don't want to miff anyone
which results in incredible weenitude sometimes. So, gold star.)
Need to venture forth again.
More on the UCLA tasering: [link]
Gold star for Sara.
I want one too, as I went to my one meeting and answered a question that came up in it.
msbelle - what gets
At least
As for the other question. That
not financial.
Where would you
find a forest?
In the