No they weren't, Aimée. Sorry to hear about your job moving. It's one thing to have taken it knowing a long commute, but now you're pinched up by things outside your control.
Want to be a nanny? Em is really quite well behaved, and knows how to hit a punching bag!
thanks polgara, I got 2 more. Is the one between
a financial? or even a title? and the thing connected to
that is
four letters
? any help there folks?
I actually just did planing that didn't involve going "eh, whatever you want"! I think I need to stick a gold star to my forehead. (backstory is...well, I'm incredibly unplanny when it comes to groups. I've always torn between BEND TO MY WILL and
Um, I don't want to miff anyone
which results in incredible weenitude sometimes. So, gold star.)
Need to venture forth again.
More on the UCLA tasering: [link]
Gold star for Sara.
I want one too, as I went to my one meeting and answered a question that came up in it.
msbelle - what gets
At least
As for the other question. That
not financial.
Where would you
find a forest?
In the
I actually just did planing that didn't involve going "eh, whatever you want"! I think I need to stick a gold star to my forehead. (backstory is...well, I'm incredibly unplanny when it comes to groups. I've always torn between BEND TO MY WILL and Um, I don't want to miff anyone which results in incredible weenitude sometimes. So, gold star.)
Two gold stars!
I am also massively unplanny in groups. Hate doing anything by committee, either let me lead or give me clear cut options to vote on.
msbelle, still haven't gotten the forest/magazine one myself, or the newspaper ones (although SuziQ's hints just helped with one of those, yay! but not the other, sob!).
Blah. I was just showing someone how to change the printer's ink cartridge when her boss suggested shaking it first before actually changing it out for a new one. So, to make her happy, I shook it, and sure enough, got powder sprayed all over my red shirt. Damnit, why didn't I have to do this yesterday when I was wearing all black?!? I got most of it out in the bathroom sink, but the entire front of my shirt is wet.