Relationship! With Tom! Yay!
This is adorable.
I give out muted signals, I think. And even when the signals are understood and returned, it takes me approximately 3 weeks of HUGE ROMANTIC TENSION OMG to do anything about it, most times. That's why the NY dating scene isn't really working for me - I usually need an excuse to hang out with somebody a hell of a lot before there will be smochies, and that doesn't happen as much in the non-school world.
I tend to think guys are just being friendly, because in my head no one could possibly want me so therefore he doesn't.
I'm the same way with girls!
Editing question: in the phrase "SOR was well-tolerated among pts," that hyphen is not needed, right? I can never remember when to hyphenate "well." To me, it seems like the adverb is right there with the adjective or verb, so you don't hyphenate.
Thanks for the bitters clarification, juliana
t not really here, and only not commenting on other conversations b/c it would pull me away from the task I am right in the middle of to type out all the stuff I am thinking. Must return to task. Task is supreme.
Hee. I love start of relationship stories.
Can I request some safe birth with healthy mom and baby~ma?
B is in labor. She's on pitocin. Could be awhile. But she lost her first pregnancy at 8 weeks and had two chemical pregnancies before this baby decided to stick around. She's had an uneventful pregnancy so far, but she's also been terrified that something would happen. So, please put the powerful ~ma~ toward Cedars-Sinai today.
Much thanks.
I have no problems sending or receiving flirt-waves, and don't know what I'm going to do with all of you types who bunch up in the corners at parties and refuse to make eye contact while muttering snarky things under your breath. Mingle, damn you!
I forgot to add, that me getting together with JZ was fairly similar to the Tom/Nora story. She had no idea until I kissed her.
You sound like my mom.
I'm going to have to count that as a Not!Compliment considering the context.
Healthy mom and baby ~ma sent, Aimee.
I'm going to have to count that as a Not!Compliment considering the context.
Hee. Er, yeah. That's the word she always uses: mingle! And I'm like, PEOPLE HAVE LIVES. THEY DON'T NEED ME IN THEM.