Thanks for the bitters clarification, juliana
t not really here, and only not commenting on other conversations b/c it would pull me away from the task I am right in the middle of to type out all the stuff I am thinking. Must return to task. Task is supreme.
Hee. I love start of relationship stories.
Can I request some safe birth with healthy mom and baby~ma?
B is in labor. She's on pitocin. Could be awhile. But she lost her first pregnancy at 8 weeks and had two chemical pregnancies before this baby decided to stick around. She's had an uneventful pregnancy so far, but she's also been terrified that something would happen. So, please put the powerful ~ma~ toward Cedars-Sinai today.
Much thanks.
I have no problems sending or receiving flirt-waves, and don't know what I'm going to do with all of you types who bunch up in the corners at parties and refuse to make eye contact while muttering snarky things under your breath. Mingle, damn you!
I forgot to add, that me getting together with JZ was fairly similar to the Tom/Nora story. She had no idea until I kissed her.
You sound like my mom.
I'm going to have to count that as a Not!Compliment considering the context.
Healthy mom and baby ~ma sent, Aimee.
I'm going to have to count that as a Not!Compliment considering the context.
Hee. Er, yeah. That's the word she always uses: mingle! And I'm like, PEOPLE HAVE LIVES. THEY DON'T NEED ME IN THEM.
Much ~ma to B and the baby.
DH plays his cards very close to his chest. We were friends for a long time before we got together, so even after he invited me over his house, I didn't know if it was supposed to be a date--although I was hoping like hell it was! As two dvorced folks, we took it very slowly and I had no idea how serious he was about me until he casually told me he was driving up to Mystic for dinner with his folks and asked me if I wanted to go. Once I got there, I found out from his mom that he'd never invited any other woman he'd dated since his divorce to meet them.