Everybody's less evil than your bunny. Surely, you're more evil than Fay, though. Plei...Plei...Plei writes RPS with tubby policitians. All evil is more stealthy than that.
Oh no, Fay is VERRA evil. She just hides it behind that seductively charming British school-marm demeanor.
Surely, you're more evil than Fay, though.
Fay's got a dark side. Not as dark as Ple's because when you put a black hole next to Ple it looks like navy blue. Of course, Ple also has a very tender side too. Very emo. She has a surprising well of love for characters who have a decenct, blunt cheery goodness.
None of you are buying this, are you? Dammit.
Lemme put it this way.
I would never want to piss you off. You have pointy sharp things and poison rings. I'm sure if someone gave you a reason, you would hack them to death with a bat-shaped candy dish.
But evil? Well, evil uses the pointy sharp things and poison rings just for the laugh of it.
Yeah, the whole nose bipping thing--NSM with the eviltude.
Hmmph. I could be evil. Really.
there's a Balrog in my goolie!
Regarding the LotR comments that followed this, I feel you need a sticker made up like one of those used by the various home-security companied that proudly proclaims "Goolies Guarded by Gandalf".
Or, if you want the classy - "Goolies Guarded by Sir Ian McClellan."
Goolies Guarded by Sir Ian McClellan
I hardly think goolies are a point of interest for him.
Gandalf might guard a goolie.
Sir Ian McKellan? NSM.
t high-fives Hec
Everybody's less evil than your bunny. Surely, you're more evil than Fay, though. Plei...Plei...Plei writes RPS with tubby policitians. All evil is more stealthy than that.
I've also slashed Fay with Faith.
And, err. Well, fine, I'm blunt-force evil, but still! Mostly more evil than Jilli.
And Fay, well. She's evil with a sweet face and a soft bless, but don't let the cuddletastic blonde part fool you! Evil!
I'm Evil!! Comes from being an Empress.
I hardly think goolies are a point of interest for him.
Which is why he'd be the perfect guard. No danger of him straying from his sworn duty.
Aims, Jilli would use poison. She knows far too much about poison. Trust me, I know.