Everybods talkin' 'bout the new sound, Honey...
If for nothing else, she's very cute and smart and if e get really bad off, I can sell her. (SO VERY JUST KIDDING)
You are a TERRIBLE Mother. You should NEVER SELL THE BABY.
You should rent her out. Duh.
t rolls eyes at punnage
I'm outta here. See you soon, SanFranistas!
Joe is no fun.
They sent out the invites to the Holiday Party last week.
I told him we should totally go, but instead of being dressed up, we'll get all dirty andwear bad clothes and not change Em for awhile and make her all dirty and then start filling up bags with food.
He said, "Uh...no."
Maybe if you all dress like hookers?
If you want Skyline when you're done, call me. Do you have my number?
That would be way cool. I don't think I have your number.
I just e-mailed them to you. Mmmm, Skyline!
Well, I'm in the airport. It never fails to amaze me how much easier is it to deal with Burbank than with LAX. On a holiday. *shudder*
Well, I had an interesting day. I put in 5 hours of work, then met CJ at the ortho. He got his braces on. Then I took both kids to lunch where we met up with K-Bug's boyfriend and his mom.
After lunch, CJ went home for a nap, and the rest of us went to a "paint it yourself" pottery place. I did a ceramic fire engine for CJ - will probably save it for Christmas. K-Bug and her boyfriend are still there - he is very meticulous artist...
It was very relaxing - just painting and listening to the banter around me.
I'm bummed about Beau Felt...uh, Daniel Baldwin. If only Kay was around to tough-love him in real life.
Cindy will note the Cox tag...it was only a matter of time before I had one, respecting as I do a quality burn.
I'm bummed about Beau Felt...uh, Daniel Baldwin. If only Kay was around to tough-love him in real life.
I know. Someone linked to it, yesterday maybe, and I actually said aloud, "Crime makes you stupid." Poor Daniel Baldwin.
Cindy will note the Cox tag...it was only a matter of time before I had one, respecting as I do a quality burn.
He's fantastic. I often wonder how much of the
character was just lifted from Cox.