Cashmere, Ben was Owen's age (and pretty stout) when I was pregnant with Julia and went into premature labor and had to learn all new ways of doing things. You can retrain yourself (and Owen) to lavoid all lifting of him, at this point in his development. The hardest parts will be breaking your regular habits.
He can climb onto a bed to get his diaper changed. He can climb up into your mini-van. He can climb up into his high chair. He can do stairs. If he wants you to pick him up, he can learn that you have to sit, and he had to climb into your lap, etc.
Liv, of course, is a different matter.
Gud! I am so happy to hear that things are better with you and your wife. Continued happiness for you in 2007.
{{{Cashmere}}} Continued back~ma to you.
Astarte! It is nice to see you posting.
Congratulations on the new job, Plei!
Best wishes for you back Cashmere.
Thanks for all the well wishes everybody.
December Pictures...
Wow! Stunningly beautiful children, Gud. Leif's going to be a ladykiller.
You have very cute kids, Gud!
Gud, I'm very glad to hear that.
Cash, good luck. I hope everything goes well.
Astarte! Nice to see you around again.
Oh, last night's conversations about XBoxes and Princess Tickybox reminded me of a story. So, the day last week when there was the frag fest, Plei and I went makeup shopping, liberated Tickybox from daycare, and took her home to feed her before deciding what we were doing for the rest of the evening. Paul was already logged onto Live and shooting at people, and Plei had some stuff to take care of, so I cheerfully volunteered to keep an eye on Lily as she ate her dinner. While she ate (and dabbled her hands in her soup), she would occasionally look toward the living room and inquire "Daddy?"
"Daddy's on a mission, Squeak", I told her.
"Yes. Shooting Uncle Pete."
It was oddly cute. Of course, a few minutes later, she decided she was All Done with her food, flipped her tray onto the floor, exclaimed "Mess!" and then giggled delightedly. So apparently my babywrangling skills need a little work ...
So apparently my babywrangling skills need a little work ...
This would be a good time to dig into the fetish catalog and wear something all latex if there's going to be a lot of soup flinging.
Sadly, there are no baby-wrangling skills anywhere that compete with a toddler entranced with messes. They make 'em, we just get to clean 'em up.
This would be a good time to dig into the fetish catalog and wear something all latex if there's going to be a lot of soup flinging.
Yep, time to dig out the PVC governess uniform. Thankfully, I had managed to remove the cup with the last of the soup about a minute before she decided to flip her tray on the floor. She looked so happy when she did that, too.