Oh, Gus. Crap. I'm sitting here thinking of regrets, chiefly that we never met in person, but I know you would just give me grief for that. You'll be seriously missed. Seriously. Damn.
Thanks kimi and Trudy.
Kristin, have you tried melatonin? I've used valerian and passion flower, but find that melatonin is the best at keeping me asleep when that has been a problem for me.
I titled my New Year's Eve post in honor of Gus, given the content. If only I could have learned from him.
Thanks for everyone's feedback. I think my first step is to meet with my PCP and possibly get a referral to a sleep center and then go from there. I will definitely look into using some of the natural remedies you suggested.
(Oh, and I rarely have caffeine after noon, so I doubt it's that.) Thanks everyone.
get a referral to a sleep center and then go from there.
Doublecheck that your insurance will cover the sleep center. The tests that Hubby's taken at sleep centers have been well over a thousand dollars each.
Still thinking of Gus. I found the Xena forum on WXing (btw, Versus is GF): [link]
Melatonin doesn't so much help with the going to sleep as it helps with the quality of sleep. I would suggest that, Kristin.
Yes, Gus is very much on my mind as well. Many times I have thought of him since he passed and just missed him without knowing I would not be seeing him post again.
I did go and have a nice long visit with my next door neighbor who lost her husband recently. I had been avoiding it even though I knew the holidays must have been hard. I baked a nice banana nut bread for her. So, I am a bad friend for taking so long to visit with her, and a good friend for finally doing the right thing.
Laura, no one is timing you. When you're grieving, the late arrivals mean a great deal too.
And also, who am I talking to. You know all this. But in case you need a reminder, she'll love you just as much for coming in the possibly down period post holidays.
Laura, Brenda is right. I am sure the quiet after the holiday is probably difficult for her; I am sure having you visit was a comfort to her.
I think you are right. Thank you. It was a bit of a lull after the storm of funeral and holidays. I was dealing with my own stuff for a bit and needed to wait until I could focus my attention on her and offer actual comfort. It's rough, but she knows that we are right next door if she needs anything.
I'm cleaning out the fridge and just polished off the end of the sweet potatoes. So yummy. The rest of the family doesn't like them so I only have them when SIL and MIL visit. I added butter. Now a forbidden item, but I'm easing into this diet change thing.