Thanks, guys.
I'm so over this job. This check is from the flipping 16th. It was supposed to be mailed, instead it got lost until the 22nd. I told them to set it aside and I'd pick it up today.
Manager can't find it.
And to add insult to injury, there was a Christmas party I WAS NOT invited to. And I did not get the bonus they handed out there. And I probably won't get paid for the 23rd because I'm part time.
SO OVER this job. Wish we didn't need the $$.
Toto and I would like to introduce the newest member of our household.
Meet Thelma: [link]
Why are groceries so damned expensive?
Wish I knew. It used to be "food's the one luxury we can afford." Now, not so much.
It used to be "food's the one luxury we can afford." Now, not so much.
thessaly has a line in one of her poems that I just love. It's something like, "I want groceries to stop being a major investment." I just feel like, I'm one freaking person. How much does it really need to cost to feed *me*? Of course, I did buy a big bag of Toto's food today, so that didn't help. But, still.
Oooohhh, Thelma is all shiny and pretty!
Groceries are insane. It's just me and a cat, but our grocery bill always seems crazee high. And it's not like I'm buying steaks and prime cuts of meat. I'm getting basics.
Speaking of which, I need to get outta here and run errands. Including groceries.
I did buy a big bag of Toto's food today, so that didn't help. But, still.
Oh, man. My dogs go through about 30 lbs of dog food a month. And it's expensive because Mac's got a techy tummy. It costs over $1/lb. I keep threatening to make them get jobs.
Thanks, guys! Me loves Thelma. My dad was all nervous, because she's "cinnamon" red, not "red" red, but I think she's just perfect.
Oh, man. My dogs go through about 30 lbs of dog food a month. And it's expensive because Mac's got a techy tummy. It costs over $1/lb. I keep threatening to make them get jobs.
Yeah. I'm lucky with Toto. His food is about $20 for the big bag, but it lasts him a couple of months. But, he's little. Of course, this doesn't count the little 5 pound bag of "treat" food (that's like $15) I have to give him before he goes to bed, because he usually doesn't eat dinner, and then he pukes. So, it still adds up.
Yes, our dog and cats defintely eat higher quality food than we do.