Presents are wrapped! Two of them rather creatively but I ran out of paper.
This morning was brunch with the extended family and the family gift exchange. I got to see my cousin who lives out of state and her new dog Daisy, who is the sweetest dog. My gift to my cousin was a hit. I got it all wrong I had to get something for my 5 yr old cousin. Dad got him a remote control car, his Mom noted that he no longer calls them " mote control cars" and her baby is growing up. And I heard the sweetest story.
Several years ago when the twins were about 3 or so my Dad bought them "twin" white seals. The girl, S, promptly called them "the best present ever!" and said "we have to name them." Today Dad was told that at least for the boy twin, the seal is his beloved stuffed animal and when he goes over to his grand parents and can only take 1 or 2 things he always picks the seal. I think that made Dad's christmas.
It's this time of year I feel bad that I don't have kids because my parents would be awesome grandparents. But kids haven't been in the cards and they don't pressure us for kids or anything.
Then tonight I went over to other relatives Xmas party and spent a good bit of the time talking to a cousin about BSG and Firefly. He really really liked Firefly (only saw it after it was aired) so I pimped Drive a bit and he said that even though he doesn't watch tv he might check it out. Well, currently he watches BSG and Heroes. So it was a nice time.
Tomorrow is very low key. Open presents and eat some chili and watch some dvds.
I just had a shockingly nice christmas. I mean...normally my parents manage to be annoying or embarassing or just clueless. As recently as last night at dinner, in fact. But we just had a pleasant evening, family stories were told but did not make anyone burst out crying, relatives were talked to on the phone, presents were enjoyed (and for once, everyone LIKED theirs!), food was decent, we left at a good hour...madness! Is this MY family?!?!
I feel like surely something horrible will happen tomorrow and we will all be yelling at each other and bitter. Sigh.
Is this MY family?!?!
Maybe they've been secretly replaced and somebody is trying to see if you've noticed the difference.
meara's family is Folger's Crystals?
If I pretend I didn't notice, will I get to keep the new ones? Or do I have to say I DID notice, and then I keep the new ones? I'll do whatever it takes!!!
Pssssst...I have wireless! Whee!
I'm trying to decide if I have the energy to go to my Xmas eve bar. It's a 20 minute drive from my parents place.
Feeling way better - this is like day 3 or 4 of my cold . we went to a friends house to hang for a bit - and at the end of the evening I ended up with a nice ( amatuer) massage which has done a lot for my general feeling that all is right with the world. ( ok, proseco may be helping that)
Somehow we are still buying some online gift certificates for people. Not quite sure how that happened...that's ok. everyone will be happy.
Merry Christmas ALL!!!
It's 2:30am Cali time. I think I hear the sound of hooves on the roof. All the presents are wrapped and under the tree. We all said "a small chrismtas, not too much" and yet, the tree is overflowing! A lot is for the neice. She being the only grandkid of the family, is SPOILED ROTTEN!!! And ya, I contributed to it.
With that, I wish you ALL a very Happy Christmas!!!
(and big hugs to all who need due to being icky on the holidaze. Nothing worse. and also safe travels to all!!!!)