I still don't
have an actual design under my belt yet, but I've done editing and mixing now. (Okay, my mix at the Boston Court involved one instrument and one effects track, and no mikes, just making sure the actors could be heard over the two channels, and my editing so far has been on Audacity....)
I wonder if I can talk family members into a copy of Pro Tools and some sound effect libraries for my birthday next year. Of course, for that to be really worth it, I'd want my own Mac. That might be too much to ask.
You can run ProTools on a PC, and the mBox Mini is a pretty good deal right now.
Suzi and I are shareing a head. how sad.
Under any other circumstance, I''d love to share headspace with beth, but for now, I say GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT.
I'm sorry you guys are all snot-filled. We're finally getting over it, thank heavens.
I've committed watergate, 4 bean salad and a cheese ball. The pumpkin pies are in the oven. I even got to watch Meet Me in St. Louis this afternoon and take a 15 minute nap. It's been a nice, low-stress day.
As soon as I've had a breather, I'm going to make French toast for dinner. Later tonight we plan to play vicious games of dominoes, put the punkins to bed, and then wrap presents and fill stockings before falling into bed.
This has been the best Christmas in recent memory for the Fisher family. I hope it's going well (or getting better) for all of you.
eta the infinitive.
If I wasn't so cranky I could deal with the snot monster better. I hate gettin g snappy at matt when he is trying to be nice
It's lovely to hear you are having a great Christmas, Deena!
Poor sickees! I'd snuggle you, but I'd really rather not get sick. Long distance get-well smooches.
I just had a hot stone massage. To. Die. For.
Yay for happy Deena Christmases!
:: bounces ::
Only one more show to go!! Then I'm freeeeee! -ish.