Erubiel Durazo has been invited to spring training with the A's
The Ogdred Weary font is also out there on the internets for them what wants it.
I just forwarded that NRA article to my friend who runs "" Should be amusing.
At least they're both black dress shoes.
See? Not totally unrelated.
OMG, I think it's going to take 3 hours to get home. I left at 3 and I haven't even reached the Beltway yet. I'm only posting because I haven't moved in 10 minutes.
This is ricockulous.
Hivemind -- I just glanced at the bottom of my can of baking powder, and noticed that it was stamped Dec 00. I'm thinking it's too old to use?
I just glanced at the bottom of my can of baking powder, and noticed that it was stamped Dec 00.
Depends - is it open? You're supposed to throw out baking powder after it's been open for 6 months. Not that it will kill you, but its baking-powderish-magic has gone.
I wouldn't use it, Vortex. Oh and I'm very jealous if you're already home.
yep, I am. but, now I have to go out and get baking powder. Why does it come in such large jars!
I've used old (way more than 6 months--probably more like 24) baking powder and it leavened just fine. You're at no health risk from it, anyway.
Well. Anyone in LA feel like watching over a small toddler for a few hours tonight? We have tickets to a show that we got as a Christmas present and our sitter cancelled on us and our other sitters are going out of town tonight.
I suppose I'll take World Peace in my own hands, as usual.