I am uber-pyro girl tonight - there are so many candles lit that I don't need any other lights on in my apartment. Mmmm, candles.
Juliana, have you seen S1 of due South? Because if you haven't, you totally have to see at least the Victoria's Secret two parter.
Paul Gross.
Paul Gross.
I have not. I've not seen a full ep of DS ever, actually. Which is a travesty, I know.
Omni, don't sweat it. I thought you were playing from your own Xbox.
:: sigh ::
I wish. Alas, I contemplated, do I need another distraction keeping me from cleaning the house? Or should I save the money and play when invited. Penny pincher won that debate. I thought about going for the core one from Amazon when they had the special, but I thought it was black friday, not T-day. Doubt I'd have won that lottery anyhow.
I thought about going for the core one from Amazon when they had the special, but I thought it was black friday, not T-day. Doubt I'd have won that lottery anyhow.
Trust me, you were better off not trying. I did, and Amazon pretty much crashed from the server load of umpteen thousand people refreshing multiple pages to get to the sale page. After that debacle, Amazon changed the process for all following rounds (none of which included any more Xboxes).
Thanks, Vortex - I may need to take you up on that offer.
I will phone them in the morning to find out what's up. I mean, I'm not even sure what converting to electric heat will entail so far as apartment living upheaval.
Juliana, I'll try to screen cap it at some point. It's so beautiful.
In the meantime, have some Dean: [link]
did you win one?
No. My screen locked on loading at 3 minutes to the auction and didn't come back until after everything was sold. This was what happened to most everyone.
Hmm, hours before leaving for 29 Palms for the holidays. Do I spend the time wisely cleaning? Packing? Heck no!
I clean up the DVR hard drive, burn stuff for mom, so the only thing left on the hard drive is:
- The Tick (cartoon) every episode [still need to edit out commercials on 2/3rds of them]
- the last season of 30 DAYS
- all the HEROES
- the latest season (so far) of BSG
I'm tempted to start editing out the commercials from Heroes and BSG, but I really should pack and stuff.
4 days in the cold desert! Woot! I hope the half-pint (7 yr old neice) doesn't give me illness again.
This is funny .
language may not be work safe, but very funny!