Hey Empress, any chance MM could hang out at our house tomorrow morning-ish? UPS left me a msg saying that the box containing Drew's xmas gift cannot be delivered without someone present to sign for it, and I'm freaking out a bit. They tried to deliver the first time today, apparently.
He won't - he'll be working.
If you want, you can change the address to my work address. Can you get email?
Awesome! Haunted Mansion!
Yeah, that's all I got.
...guys, my entire mind has been sucked up by this show. Seriously. I've seen it 3 times in the last 2 weeks, and I'm going again on Friday. Never have I loved something this much.
I know none of you have seen it or are fans (yet), but I'd love some intelligent input. I'm trying to start a message board / community for the show that isn't on MySpace or the Facebook (because... shudder). I would love if some of you people who have been involved in hundreds or dozens of boards would visit [link] and look for the implementation mistakes that I'm sure are everywhere.
If I can get it working well enough, I may be able to swing Official Board status, as I'm on speaking terms with at least 3 of the producers at this point.
Yes she can get email. Send the address to me and to her. I'm not sure what her plan is.
ND - sent to your wasted monkey account and K's mac account.
Excellent. Thank you and backflung.
I lost a little weight! It's a Christmas Miracle!
....well less of a miracle and maybe thanks to the medicine. But Dad just sprung on us that he has a dance thing tomorrow and it's kinda a semi fancy dress. There will be a sit down dinner and dancing and an exhibition. I tried on a skirt I wore to a wedding a few months ago, a skirt that I only wore thanks to control top underwear AND control top pantyhose (and I still tore one seam...luckily it's a guazy two layer thing so you can't tell).
It fits! Not perfectly, it's a little snug around my thighs when I sit down, but I don't have to mash myself into this thing.
askye, that's really good news. I hope you have a good time at the dance.
brenda, congratulations on the new job! I just got caught up in Natter and saw the nifty climbing pictures. Wow! That looks like a fun vacation.
Yay askye!!
Whoo. Little tipsy - just had dinner with Suzi & K-Bug at my friend's wine bar. Another friend sat with us the entire time & monopolized the conversation - at least he's hilarious.
Woot! Just realized I can get a free 2-month Trial of XBox Live, so I don't need to pay to join the Halo 2 Frag-Fest next week...
(I'm begrudgingly trying to save money for my upcoming move, thanks to my landlord's asshat of a son!)
Hopefully I'll get the XBox comm headset I requested for Christmas. Then I can listen to Pete singing "Killing, Killing, Killing..." And respond with cries of despair and anguish.
do you have to have an Xbox360?