Aimee, if you could do your hair, what color would you do?
Two random things I've realized today, one while shopping, the other just now while cleaning in the basement:
- The slimmer I get, the more butch my aesthetic. This brought on by my sudden need for jeans and tight black t-shirts.
- I can wear Paul's old 31w32L SilverTabs. They fit with no problem, AIFG.
Aimee, if you could do your hair, what color would you do?
A dark, shiny mink-y brown.
The slimmer I get, the more butch my aesthetic. This brought on by my sudden need for jeans and tight black t-shirts.
is consumed with a sudden desire to see an entire photo series of butch!Plei.
It's not a great scan of the photo, but this color. Which I did by myself last year, but I REALLY need a cut. Doing the color and not the cut would be silly.
is consumed by same desire as juliana
Aimee, you'd rock that color. I love it, and cannot pull it off, which makes me sad.
Juliana, should I actually start working out as planned, that might happen in a few months.
Doing the color and not the cut would be silly.
?? Why? I rarely sync cuts and (home) coloring.
My ends are all split and would soak up the color moreso than the roots.
And the moe I look at that picture, I want to chop my hair all off again.
I find that a good color can allow me to put off a cut for at least a week or two.