::stands back in awe of Aimee's latest smite, not because I'm afraid any of my coworkers might want to demonstrate their deficiency::
I really think we need a thread just to commemorate Aimee's smites. Sort of like CoMM and Nillytown. A little side thread just to track the smites and as a place to go for inspiration when the Empress isn't around.
wonders where everyone went
Well, I went back to swearing at copyright statements. And being in awe of your smiting abilities.
I just got back from New Orleans. For work, but still. Got to see some family. Got sick. Got an award.
2 exciting things. I was in a movie today. One of my best friends danced with Prince at a party last week.
I just got back from New Orleans.
How're things down there? Man, I miss New Orleans.
I was in a movie today.
Which one?
One of my best friends danced with Prince at a party last week.
Whoa! I'm trying to figure out who will be the most jealous: JZ, Jesse or ita.
I didn't get around much with the work and the sick. I'd heard that crime had gotten worse, but I was fine wandering, even alone at night. Got to see my cousin's new place in the Irish Channel. Love it. Taught her son, Beau, "Touchdown!" and "Who dat!?!" Not that we got to say it much.
The movie is a friend's independant film thing for this [link] . I'm a whore. (I always play the whore).
Friend was at some place that starts with an M in LA (I know I've heard of it, but I keep forgetting). She couldn't catch a cab on Sunset and asked the security gaurds to help her, one of them wound up walking her up to some party in a suite. They danced (not
her and him. He had 2 girls with him) to Madonna's Holiday and his Kiss.
Jilli, are they smoted?
Busy day today, for all that I haven't really left my bed except to eat (I don't have a desk, so my bed is where the computer lives). Helped midwife a Yuletide or two, finished and uploaded my Yuletide, read the most balls-out sexy F/F story I've read in freaking forever and a day (and can I get my very own Lesbian!Girl!Dean for Christmas? Holy crap), and amused myself with bad DA fic.
I keep thinking there were other things I meant to do, like laundry, or dishes...
Seems like 27th is working for everybody. At this point, the only reason ND still gets a say is because he won't give us keys to his house.
ND and I have longstanding plans on the 27th...
I'm a whore. (I always play the whore).
Well, you
have a awesome rack heart of gold.