That sucks, Jilli. Sorry that I have no suggestions. If this happens often, there are some antidepressants that seem to help with PMS as well. I think I heard that Zoloft was one, but it was a while ago so I'm not sure I'm remembering correctly.
Cass, I'm sorry you've been feeling crummy and hope you are much improved today! I am just getting caught up on things, but I had so much fun with you when I was there. Thanks again for being such a great tour guide. Also, for being fun and all, but that's more of a given.
Elections didn't go great in Alaska. Some yeahs, but not mostly.
Since I'm single, I just got a packet from work telling me how to sign up for same sex partner benefits, the result of a recent court case. Kind of makes me wish I had a same sex partner to take advantage of them. I believe in benefits for same sex partners, but I also believe in benefits for others with non-traditional arrangements (like two divorced sisters living together with one working outside of the home and the other taking care of all of the kids). I hope that's next.
Jilli, I'd start keeping track of the frequency and talk to your GYN about it at your next physical. There are drugs they can give you to lessen the PMS symptoms if it's becoming a big problem. But, keep track of when your period starts/ends, when the symptoms are the worst, etc. Basically, keep a little diary. That will give them something work with and a baseline to improve.
Jilli, I have no useful suggestions for you, but a wish that you can get relief and not have to suffer.
Also, I have some chocolate and salty snacks I can pour through the internet, if you like.
Yays! Just got my seeekrit santa info. Can I say BOUNCE? Cause, well, yeah!
It appears that K-Bug has earned a 3.75 unweighted/4.25 weighted for her first quarter of her junior year. That includes 1 HP and 2 AP courses.
There are drugs they can give you to lessen the PMS symptoms if it's becoming a big problem.
I've talked to my GYN and my GP about this, and apparently the drugs that are available to help with PMS symptoms are anti-depressants that have to be taken all the time. Which is a route I'd rather not go down; it seems like overkill for something that happens infrequently.
Also, I have some chocolate and salty snacks I can pour through the internet, if you like.
Tempting, tempting. Pete has offered to take me out later for cupcakes and thrift shopping.
Trudy, I would try your suggestion except (1) I don't know who of my friends I would need to talk to to get some, and (2) Pete would be SO very not thrilled at the notion.
Jilli, I used to work with a woman who had the worst PMS I've ever seen. She had to drastically cut back on her caffeine. It was a lifestyle change thing. She may even have had to eliminate it, altogether, because I remember knowing she'd fallen off the caffeine wagon, by just the look on her face.
If you have much caffeine, you might want to reduce it. I'm sorry. I feel ugly even suggesting this, because caffeine is my heart's blood.
I am on a low dose of Lexapro, which is used for PMS. It helped a lot with that and with insomnia.
I've talked to my GYN and my GP about this, and apparently the drugs that are available to help with PMS symptoms are anti-depressants that have to be taken all the time.
Really? They gave me Naproxen and had me start it the day before my period started, and I took it through day three.
Go K-Bug!!!