The microsoft of christianity? Hmmm....people kinda want to switch, but are too intimidated/lazy/used to it to bother?
Thanks for the suggestions/advice, y'all! See, the thing is (vaguely TMI girlybits)
the last two really bad painful pukey migraines were both the next to last or last day of my period. So it's possible it's my BCP causing it. I could (a) skip the placebo pills entirely (though only for so long, cause I'd run out after a bit) or (b) quit taking the Pill (though I like it for my skin, and the control freak factor). IF that's the cause. The thing being, I'm not sure exactly what day it would might be Christmas Eve or Christmas (which would actually be OK in that I'd be on vacation anyway)...or it might be the day I'm driving 12 hours with a friend home. Which would be super super inconvenient and all. Which makes me think I should skip the placebos this month, and wait until January. And hope I don't get one.
But that would just be one thing, I've gotten other migraines too, obviously.
Meara, it is decidedly possible that your migraines are related to
hormones, either yours or the ones in the pills.
I'd ask a doctor.
hmm. I need some reassurances for my logical mind... our bathroom scale has been up in our guest/third floor bathroom. I don't get in there very much anymore due to houseguest, but I did get in a few weeks ago and weigh myself (and was pleased to see that the 5 pounds I took off last February were still off); this reading was corroborated by a weigh in I had at the nutritionist's office a couple weeks later.
Today, our guest is not here now, so I sneak into the bathroom, notice that the scale has been shoved so that it's up on its side... I grab it, put it down in another room, and weigh myself, and it says that I'm 10 pounds heavier. I mean, that's because of the scale calibration being fucked up by SOMEONE shoving it aside to make room for her own bounteous amounts of CRAP, right? My clothes fit the same and I really have been keeping track of what I've been eating... maybe not enough to LOSE weight, but certainly enough to NOT GAIN 10 pounds in 2 weeks.
Scale calibration, right? I mean, logically I know it must be, but I need reassurance.
Totally scale calibration. I have to recalibrate my (cheap) scale almost every time I use it, because things will just throw it off.
Yeah. Scale calibration. Especially if it's the kind with the turning dial, rather than a digital display, or if it's a kind of cheap one.
meara, I got nothing. Except to realize that my previous suggestion seems useless.
Paging Clovis
Stolen shamelessly from Polgara.
so I drive home through a very narrow, twisty canyon. I kinda like it. and I usually drive speed limit to plus 5. Yesterday - I was passed by someone on my right. Very unlawful. as in a two lane road with only occassional passing zones and a few turnouts. I thought 'asshole. please don't bloke the canyon' and thought no more about it.
Today I was passed again . on the right. in a much narrower strech of canyon. by a car that I believe was the same damn car. It was closer to the end of the road, so I might have caught up with them at the light . I may have a partial plate.
The crazy is making me angry. ( no, I won't chase them. But I will be watching)
Paging Clovis
I just showed this to the Devilbunny, and we're both confused. What should Clovis be seeing here?
Okay, I have NO idea how that happened, but you and Clovis should look again.