hmm. I need some reassurances for my logical mind... our bathroom scale has been up in our guest/third floor bathroom. I don't get in there very much anymore due to houseguest, but I did get in a few weeks ago and weigh myself (and was pleased to see that the 5 pounds I took off last February were still off); this reading was corroborated by a weigh in I had at the nutritionist's office a couple weeks later.
Today, our guest is not here now, so I sneak into the bathroom, notice that the scale has been shoved so that it's up on its side... I grab it, put it down in another room, and weigh myself, and it says that I'm 10 pounds heavier. I mean, that's because of the scale calibration being fucked up by SOMEONE shoving it aside to make room for her own bounteous amounts of CRAP, right? My clothes fit the same and I really have been keeping track of what I've been eating... maybe not enough to LOSE weight, but certainly enough to NOT GAIN 10 pounds in 2 weeks.
Scale calibration, right? I mean, logically I know it must be, but I need reassurance.
Totally scale calibration. I have to recalibrate my (cheap) scale almost every time I use it, because things will just throw it off.
Yeah. Scale calibration. Especially if it's the kind with the turning dial, rather than a digital display, or if it's a kind of cheap one.
meara, I got nothing. Except to realize that my previous suggestion seems useless.
Paging Clovis
Stolen shamelessly from Polgara.
so I drive home through a very narrow, twisty canyon. I kinda like it. and I usually drive speed limit to plus 5. Yesterday - I was passed by someone on my right. Very unlawful. as in a two lane road with only occassional passing zones and a few turnouts. I thought 'asshole. please don't bloke the canyon' and thought no more about it.
Today I was passed again . on the right. in a much narrower strech of canyon. by a car that I believe was the same damn car. It was closer to the end of the road, so I might have caught up with them at the light . I may have a partial plate.
The crazy is making me angry. ( no, I won't chase them. But I will be watching)
Paging Clovis
I just showed this to the Devilbunny, and we're both confused. What should Clovis be seeing here?
Okay, I have NO idea how that happened, but you and Clovis should look again.
Okay, I have NO idea how that happened
Mixing work with pleasure?
Except I haven't looked at that page in months. Very weird.