Oh dear heavens, my college alumni association found me.
Who was it that said that we should get the alumni folks looking for Bin Laden?
Based solely on my own experience, I think that guys only befriend girls that they are interested in dating and hope they get lucky one day.
I’m not sure that’s true. I have a lot of male friends. Of the straight ones, I think that many of them would sleep with me if I gave them the chance, but they don’t want to date me.
I have more male friends now than ever. I think I'm too much woman for most of them, though.
Amen. (for you and me)
Very few of the guys I know more than passingly ever make moves on me. Perhaps it's the unsparkle of my personality.
Or the fact that you could kill them with your pinky? :)
Which is nice...except that I never make moves on guys, so it kinda sucks to know I won't be rescued from my own cowardice/issues by someone I've known a while.
Yep. I’ve had a depressingly large number of male friends say something to the effect of being interested in me at some point, but, based on my personality, assumed that if I was interested, I would have said something.
I feel more betrayed when a woman friend lets me down than when a man friend does.
Oh, yes. Like if a man friend gets a girlfriend, I expect to be dropped like a hot potato, but it hurts my feelings when a female friend does it.
I have more male friends now than ever. I think I'm too much woman for most of them, though.
My guy friends know me well enough that I wouldn't have them as more than friends, and most stranger guys are too intimidated. Which pleases me.
Of the straight ones, I think that many of them would sleep with me if I gave them the chance, but they don’t want to date me.
Ha. Yeah, I think that's more accurate.
Based solely on my own experience, I think that guys only befriend girls that they are interested in dating and hope they get lucky one day.
I gotta sex myself up some then, because I have had many male friends that aren't looking to score with me.
And some that have hoped that they would. Both situations have happened with female friends as well.
But I've felt the same way about some friends as well myself.
I gotta sex myself up some then, because I have had many male friends that aren't looking to score with me.
I dunno, Cass, see my comment above.
All my best friends have been girls/women. All my guy friends have eventually ended up making moves on me. Based solely on my own experience, I think that guys only befriend girls that they are interested in dating and hope they get lucky one day.
In defense of males (or at least a small portion thereof)...
Most of my friends are female. And I haven't befriended them because I want to date them. In fact, most of them seem safer as friends because either I'm not interested in them or they're not interested in me. Or because they're unavailable since they're spoken for. Does that make any sense at all?
Well if people don't know me well enough to know that I am hopelessly shy and unable to let them know I am interested, they deserve to remain in the friends zone. Or I deserve it.
It's safer there anyway. Things can get really strange once you leave that zone. Sometimes it works and sometimes we just don't have any further relationship at all.
I generally figure out someone likes me when we are living together. And even then sometimes I am not sure.
This post brought to you by: Arrrrrgggggghhhh, with a generous contribution of Topic Change. How 'bout them Mets?
My problem is that I'm so aggressive and uninhibited about everything else, how are they supposed to know that I'm an insecure blob of jelly when it comes to romance? I mean, I understand why people like me and hang out with me, but I can't quite fathom anyone wanting to date me.
I wonder if maybe it seems women hurt us worse or more, because we expect them to know better or understand our feelings better. Not because they're all closer to the earth empathycakes, but because they're supposed to be one of us.
It's like when my not-bitchy-sister does something rotten its WAY worese than when my bitchy sister does.
And none of my friends try to sleep with me.
I have had, err, intimate moments with each of my two guy friends, but we were good enough friends and not good enough anything else for it to be dropped pretty easily. They're also the ones I'm most likely to call if I'm really in the shit. They will show up and do something about it- which is why I don't call them if I want to just bitch and moan for hours.