I'm still up, too. T'giving dinner was bland (we ate at GF's aunt and uncle's). Tomorrow we are putting up our Christmas tree and Saturday GF's parents are coming over to help decorate. I have to get some homework done at some point over the weekend, too.
I somehow ended up on a child actor site and found this, which will be of interest to Jewel Staite fans: [link] I also found out one of my classmates was a child starlet of sorts (she was on the site - weird).
Edited to fix link.
Plei, I'm at a loss to understand how your brother could be a jackass.
Stupid universe.
Plei, I'm at a loss to understand how your brother could be a jackass.
Dude. He's like, if you took all the fandom crazy, and gave it form, then stripped the fan part out. A walking one-man Fandom Wank.
I keep forgetting that Ackles was in Dark Angel.
I think I'm going to get a fake tree this year, but not quite yet. I don't want to give the cats too much time to destroy it.
Thanks to Noisedesign, KristinT, MiracleMan, and Aimeé, for giving me the best Thanksgiving I've had in quite some time! Aimeé and Kristin, your cooking was wonderful! Thanks especially, Aims, for the vegetarian lasagna! I'm going to enjoy the leftovers for weeks!!
Today felt just like home, but with a healthy dose of Buffista-brand humor...
And, as always, I had a lot of fun playing and cavorting with the World's Cutest Nearly 2-yr-old! (The Punk!)
Also very much enjoyed getting soundly trounced at Halo 2 Multiplayer by Pete via XBox Live, complete with the sounds of Pete merrily chanting, "Killing, killing, killing" while slaughtering the four other players. (Which prompted my unexpected & likely imprudent use of the a-word.) Still, you bested all four of us at once. Well done, sir.
Good night all, and a slightly belated Happy Thanksgiving to All!!
Happy Shopping Day, USians. And L-Tryptophan Recovery Day.
Today was supposed to be Tree Up day, but our car quit working, so I spent the morning taking it to the garage, and will now spend the afternoon going to get it. We still might put the tree up this evening. I'm not sure how we are going to decorate it, since we don't really have any unbreakable ornaments...we failed to take the whole toddler thing into account.
ION, I leared today that if you are in the Greek military, you can be awarded the Order of the Phoenix.
Yum, Thanksgiving food! We went to my aunt and uncles in Brookline (about a 45 minute drive from us) and it was a relatively small affair, aunt, uncle, cousin, Mom, Dad, Grandma, and another non-family couple which probably kept the rest of us civilized.
Aunt doesn't cook much anymore, so we had volunteered to make the sausage-sage-apple stuffing and cranberry-pear-ginger compote and brought over a chocolate pecan bread pudding, oat raisin rolls, and pumkin cornmeal bread from our local bakery. Then I told my aunt to sit down (she has back and knee problems) and I orchestrated the heating up of various things.
Things being: turkey (which she bought and we carved), our stuffing, vegetarian stuffing, mashed butternut squash, mashed potatoes, creamed onions, green bean casserole, our cranberry thing, and the cranberry jelly stuff with the can lines. Dessert was the aforementioned bread pudding, a pumpkin pie, an apple crumble pie, and a faux mincemeat pie that the cook had forgotten to add the brandy while mixing, so my uncle inserted 3 small funnels in the pie and poured Couvosier in before eating. My grandmother LOVED it!!! Heh.
I also spearheaded the cleanup movement. I got lots of props for all this, but it was all selfishly motivated, because being busy in the kitchen meant I did not have to make small talk and drink too much without really realizing it.
Then Tom and I drove home and caught the tail end of a Friends Thanksgiving episode marathon, which was exactly the kind of mindless TV I was in the mood for. Then slept like the dead.
This morning, we got up and hopped over to our farm so that we could get the jump on egg buying (they get snapped up quickly!) and, while chatting with the farmer, discovered that there were still some fresh killed turkeys available, so we bought a small one (6.5 lbs). There will be no brining of this bird, for the brine will overpower the very different flavor of this heritage breed, REALLY free range turkey. (These dudes flew, too - mostly at human eye level - Tom once almost got flown into!) So, YAY, second Thanksgiving!
Today we'll be heading back to Brookline for leftovers and stuff.
Sounds like everyone's had a relatively good holiday. It was lovely here. Lots of good food and good company.
Today is back to craziness. Off to do some research for a paper.