That's too bad. I was sort of hoping you'd feel better and get to lounge with cool people later on today. Is it good lounge at home weather?
Where's my damn House Elf. I have sheets that need to be folded. As well as other piles of laundry. Well, the House Elf or my motivation should show up. Either.
Oooh, Fay, that's really tough. I'm sorry. I hope you two get past it. :(
I have just gotten up a bit ago. The Thanksgiving I'm going to doesn't start until 6:30. Who ARE these people?? Madness. Luckily, it's not icky and raining like last night--I wanted to go out, but it was so nasty out that I didn't.
See, you should have come to my house, we're eating at 3 :)
Heh. Tempting, Vortex! And, y'know, I AM bringing green bean casserole to this thanksgiving...:)
I've been pressed into spanikopita duty. Just mixing. Filo is too challenging for me to deal with today.
Later we'll got EM's house and I'll make some mushroom gravy and vegetarian stuffing for JZ. (Just in case. Her family tends to forget she's vegetarian or just never really adapt any new recipes to this fact. Curiously, JZ's brother is also vegetarian, so you'd think they'd crack out the Moosewood cookbook every once in a while.)
Curiously, JZ's brother is also vegetarian
Is this the brother that I get?
Yes! It's delicious on veggie burgers.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! To all USAians and those celebrating.
HAPPY DAY to everyone else.
Cash, glad your Mom is okay. David, I'm glad EM got a good judge and that she has you guys and her new BF so she's not alone. Hopefully this will be a kick in EMEX's pants.
Speaking of vegetarians and Moosewood cookbook, this is my first vegetarian thanksgiving and the only meat is the turkey. Mom is making vegetarian dressing for everyone. I made Mushroom Pie from the Sunday Dinner cook book --- my first pie ever and it looks so good. We're eating. Later, I'm not sure when our plans are changing.
I've been wondering what everyone is having/has had for their Tday feast. We're having turkey breast, dressing, gravy, mushroom pie, roasted asparagus, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry jello salad, waldorf salad, rolls, chocolate raspberry cheesecake and sweet potato pie.
I bought a turkey dinner meal and a mini-pie at Whole Foods. The chances of my being able to eat more than the mashed potatoes today don't look good, but hey, leftovers!