Unless you count my mother and her Chrysler.
She does seem rather effective as a predator though. I mean, four for four...
Me too. There are a lot on the roads around here, including the circular one I live on, which has a lot of blind spots.
Seriously. Your road seems to be begging for an urban deer. Which ideally would sound much less sarcastic and/or funny. Because there are some seriously unsighted places around you and anything could be in the road already given the surrounding areas.
Yep-- I always end up creeping along my road at night, for that reason. On the other hand, about an hour ago, I was getting something from the car, and there was a buck in the parking area, which I got to see close up, and then jumping over the fence that leads to the canyon. That was cool.
Deer are stupid. There's a lot of deer where my parents live. Once I was driving and had to slam on the brakes to avoid a deer. The deer proceeded to run down the road. I mean, right down the middle of the road. I couldn't get around it, so I just had to drive along behind it until it figured out that maybe the road wasn't the safest place to be it it wanted to get away from the big bad Mercury Marquis....
I will post pate reciepe at some time in the future
possible as early as friday
not tonight , may do the early bed thing or watch tv all night. it could go either way
I haven't had large critters around until recently and am now quite skittish about us meeting on the road.
Did I ever tell y'all about the time my mom accidentally whacked a moose on the butt with our front door as we left to go to school?
Cash, I'm glad your mom is okay. Scary stuff, though!!
I've never had a car vs. deer encounter myself, but there was one long weekend when 4 of my friends totalled their cars on deer in 3 days. Pests. (But tasty, if not allergic.)
Deer hunting season is the worst time for car/deer accidents, as deer are generally running around like crazy and forgetting to look both ways before crossing traffic....
Unless you count my mother and her Chrysler.
No chance it's Christine, is there?
Punctuation and ~ma for EM, Cash's mom, and anyone else who needs it.
Did I ever tell y'all about the time my mom accidentally whacked a moose on the butt with our front door as we left to go to school?
No, but you should.
I still love seeing deer. Because I don't have my own landscaping yet, likely. But they are gorgeous.
Okay, went to sleep early. Now awake again. When did I revert to an infant only sleeping a few hours at a time? Thinking sleepy thoughts... Thinking very sleepy thoughts...