Toto was downstairs eating a can of hardened hamburger grease that he got out of the bag of garbage that the cleaners left in the entry way.
I hope the bad doggy feels better and no trip to the vet.
IOBeerN, I just dropped a bottle of beer on the floor. Turns out they open nicely when you do this. Drenched the floor and much of me in beer. Good thing I hadn't cleaned the kitchen sink yet. Still, I expect my house to smell like a brewery tomorrow when mom comes.
Oh, and mom isn't coming now until tomorrow. Frankly, I am okay with this. I *still* am cleaning and getting ready so having the evening just to myself in a clean house with a sore back sounds better than being entertaining.
A cute boy offered to help me load the firelog boxes into my car. Why didn't I take him up on it? And then bring him home to get them up the stairs? Boxes are fifty freaking pounds each and I bought three. I sense a shower and a Flexeril and a heating pad once I finish my domestic duties.
Welcome back, Epic!
mushroom pate in oven. in about 30 min I will be tortured by that amazing smell.
What's in mushroom pate? I bought mushrooms today!
Okay, house is done except for many loads of trash and recycling that I have to take from the landing to the bins and tons of laundry that I can do off and on through the afternoon and evening. Oh, and about a hundred pounds of firelogs that I need to haul in from the car still. Because I gave up and left two boxes finally. And a couple of bottles of wine and juice and sparkling water. I think I am going to not wait for the rain to stop for this because I just really want - hell, need - to be done.
What's in mushroom pate
salt peper dill dry mustard cyanne ( that is not the correct spelling)
white wine ( or sherry)
cream cheese
food proceess
bake forever - cool and dont eat until tomorrow
( it is a reciepe from the enchanted broccoli forest)
(delurks to comment)
...and Beth's mushroom pate is amazing. Really. Complex, complex flavors - mushroom, cheese, wine, the aromatics, and a surprising sweetness (from the onions, probably). Serve it on really good (read flavorful) crackers and prepare to be delighted.
::accidentally trips over big stack of emtpy cans::
::puts hands on hips and gives that 50's-Mom fake-exasperated half-smile::
Good thing I adore you, you troublemaker!
Okay, only 86 and a half kajillion catch-up posts to go!
::puts hands on hips and gives that 50's-Mom fake-exasperated half-smile::
Good thing I adore you, you troublemaker!
Aww shucks....
Okay, only 86 and a half kajillion catch-up posts to go!
Go! Catch up! Fly like the wind!
Oh dear Lord but I have skipped and skimmed, but I once again have free time! Huzzah! AndI'm taking tomorrow off to cook turkey and, y'know, fixins!
And what have I missed?
Another title, Empress? Are we going to have to put a bigger label on the official portrait?